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ARTPOP ITunes stream to be censored

Unicorn De Milo

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I never really get why people make a big deal out of censoring. Personally i feel it takes zero quality out of the song, i literally couldn't care less :smh:

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It's possible. But on iTunes Radio, there's an option where you can opt to listen to songs with explicit or clean lyrics. So maybe it won't be censored? :confused:


I was just going to say this, I'm pretty sure in iTunes Radio you will be able to do this.

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Unicorn De Milo

I never really get why people make a big deal out of censoring. Personally i feel it takes zero quality out of the song, i literally couldn't care less :smh:

But Sexxx Dreams will be a mess I'm not here for X dreams tbh :messga:

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But Sexxx Dreams will be a mess I'm not here for X dreams tbh :messga:

I think it'll leak before monday anyway tbh

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Was Bangerz censored? I gave it a few listens when it was available to stream but it didn't occur to me.  :huh: I was already debating on whether or not to listen to the stream but I definitely won't if it's censored. I already decided to not listen to it until I know the lyrics to Dope but I guess I'll just wait 'til it's released and I recieve my copy.  :sweat:

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Mitch XCX

the only genuine explicit words are just from the rappers on j&d and in do what u want, those are the only ones with "****" and "****" thats why they were the only explicit ones at first, the other ones are just probably "ass" or "dick" idk

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The Bangerz one wasn't. You just have to change your settings so you allow explicit content in the stream

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