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NEWS: Gaga talks ARTPOP, Applause, VMAs, + injury with WWD


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Hi guys! I normally don't post anything here but usually I follow the news about gaga very closely!

However, this time when she mentioned the word 'doubleganger' I couldn't help myself.

I often thought about what she could do to amaze the whole world for the VMA and I came up with the idea of doubleganger performing in stead of her. The real lady gaga would not be on stage for once but be amongst the rest of the crowd. This way, at the end of her performance, she can not only be part of the crowd but be part of her Applause as well! She can be part of the thing she loves most in the world!

In my eyes this would be very gagalike to do. It would create massive headlines because she didn't actually perform. No artist in the world would be able to pull this of but we all know gaga right? On top of that, she really likes to give small hints about her future projects and I really think that her mentioniing the word 'doubleganger' is not a coincidence. 

I hope this theory hasn't been mentioned before, I didn't take time to read through the whole topic. 

To close: I am soooo hyped for ARTPOP!! She appears to me as one of the smartest women in the industry and this whole era seems so well thought out that I have very high hopes. 



Welcome  :hug:


Maybe will be many "Gagas" on stage

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that interview gave me life tbh. i can't believe how serious gaga's injury was though  :eek: i'm glad she kept it a secret, i would've been absolutely worried sick 

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that interview gave me life tbh. i can't believe how serious gaga's injury was though  :eek: i'm glad she kept it a secret, i would've been absolutely worried sick 

Me too! Now I wanna ask her if she really is safe to go for the VMAs, like "Are you really sure you can do this?  :ohno:" 

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But he also acknowledges that there will be

clothes, most of them custom. Alexander Wang for

Balenciaga created some custom pieces. Maxwell also said

Versace, Armani and Hedi Slimane for Saint Laurent are still

in the mix, as is the label Mila Schön, which created a few

catsuits for “Applause.†“It’s more toned down and

pulled back and chic,†says Maxwell. “But it’s also

that we’re making suits out of things that they

would not normally be made out of, like plastic, but

they’re super well-tailored and clean. Maybe she’s

just wearing a simple catsuit and a head wrap like

she’s wearing here, but we sort of do the craziness

on the face.

My fave part of the article. Gets me hyped each time I read it Can't wait to see what she'll create with those names :flutter:

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The first image that came to my mind was:



I love Christina but I couldn't help laughing out loud :lmao:

Edited by Ritual
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It's really nice to see Gaga address what a chameleon she is and make that a motif for an entire era. She's a shapeshifter and she uses it to her advantage.

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omg omg omg omg wtf is happpening?!?!? 











What? What?  :excited2:

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What? What?  :excited2:


like all this news + the interview it's just all too much Ive been out of the loop for days 

Damn, I hate to be the Debbie downer but this article scares me. I'm having a hard time being hyped now, I loved loved loved all the teasing and the few promos and I truly want to be as excited as everybody but urgh, this just makes me anxious. I trust her, she's brilliant so we'll se how that translates... But:


Firstly, I can't really wrap my head around her 'every icon' statement.


I think that it's interesting that she's pushing her everyday transformation, 'every icon' visual one step further. But to me it sounds like there won't be regularity, no direction, no theme. Just like the pointlessness of all her looks these past few weeks and around the BTWBall. I loved every one of her look individually but the lack of meaning and of big picture makes it... yeah, pointless.


I think it was fantastic when her day to day attire was supporting the concept of her record. When she wore the BTW horns around, when she wore the grey wig for the fame monster... Even just having a general aesthetic that was close to the record, that had the same feeling. Now she just seems all over the place.



"“It’s interesting how you view things, and you look at it like, I’m a pop icon, and [you wonder] ‘Is this the image of the album? Is this the direction? Who came up with it?’ I think that’s so interesting because it’s exactly the kind of thing we’re trying to destroy. This is one jacket. This is one image. This is one moment. This is one statement."

Urgh I just hate that quote so much. Maybe it's one statement but one statement doesn't have power, it doesn't have impact. You need a concept, you need something to tie everything together and so elevate your idea. You can't serve fabulous brunette bombshell and Pierrot Gaga within litterally 3 hours. It's just distracting. If your statements don't serve a big picture then what's the point? You can't get a point across with one moment. Unless it's something as brutal as the meat dress but you can't replicate that many times.


If wearing a clear visor is a complete statement on its own, then it could mean anything. And so anything could mean anything if you don't have a perspective. It's like trying to draw a line with one point, it goes anywhere and most importantly: nowhere.



Also, I don't really like how she talks about Applause. It seems so egocentric and self-centered. It's like a codependent relationship. I didn't think that was the way she viewed fame. I thought she viewed fame as something from within, not a thirst that only screaming fans could quench. She's a soldier to her own emptiness, the whole inner strength and own sense of accomplishment theme.

To me, it just sounds like giving in to someone else's approval to feel good. An artist should not be idolized, or rather put themselves in the position of an idol and that is the position she puts herself in. She says fans cheer before she even starts and that's not something she should romanticize.

I understand the 'feel good' quality of being cheered of course, but it sounds more like a need than a... 'bonus' for making a great performance. And that worries me about her intentions with this song. I'm hoping it's more of a celebration of obsession, and a commentary on the addictive nature of being adulated, than literally her living for the fame. (Isn't it a shame, shame?)



I also hate what Inez said about stripping bare and natural beauty. This is not for Gaga. Gaga defines beauty in the 'pile on all the artifices you want and feel fabulous' kind of way. The inner sense of beauty. Natural beauty is part of that but I don't see it as being any relatable.


And for god's sake, please no chic, toned down fashion. The fashion world is in such a bad shape, nobody needs subtle clothing. The world needs outrageous and in-your-face f*ckery. This is the part I was looking the most forward to. Since Gaga has not showed up at an award show, did you notice how fast everything went back to normal, basic stuff?

I just want her to be outrageous in everything she does again. I can't see her doing a risky, forward performance piece with Marina and walking out of there in Balenciaga.

I don't know, everything just seems a little safe. You can see it in the single cover. It is a gorgeous photograph but it won't stay on my mind the same way a pointy shouldered, facially distorted Gaga will. It's not devastatingly beautiful neither, I just don't feel anything. I've seen this kind of makeup before, and much sharper with Alex Box's work. Like this picture for example which has much more appeal and a more meaningful aura.


I don't know, I'm just not impressed and it bugs me.

(No bashing please. I adore Gaga just as all of you, I'm just waiting to be proved wrong. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and probably too negatively but at the moment, this just leaves me blah and I don't like feeling that way. Please, hype me again. :wtf:)


You wait. The craziness begins in 21 days. 

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like all this news + the interview it's just all too much Ive been out of the loop for days 

Oh, thought something new happened now :laughga:

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Just posted these on my Twitter for you all  :hehe: Follow me @thesteveohare  :shy:






OMG THATS FLAWLESS! Where did you buy it from? Will Barnes & Noble have it??  :excited2:

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