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PHOTO: 'Applause' single cover revealed!


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Disco Heaven

All these article on "Applause." Like who else has so many articles written on the content of a single cover only? No word on the sound, but just the impact of the single cover? This happens for no one else in the industry.



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Tommy Monster

There is something about her mouth that´s disturbing me, and I´m afraid it will haunt me in the night  :laughga:


But overall I can say that it is something that we didn´t expect, something new, never done before by her, it´s not that mind-blowing as I hoped for it to be, but from the artistic point of view it´s genious 


But those lips, OMG those lips  :wtfga: reminding me a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park  :toofunga:

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I love it but I am a bit confused. 


We have Gaga with a plastic hand, Gaga sitting on a technical looking chair, we have Gaga as Pierriot. 


Are these supposed to link? :laughga:

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This is era is going to be flawless. 


I'm ready for her to take me to another level consciousness 

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I love it but I am a bit confused. 


We have Gaga with a plastic hand, Gaga sitting on a technical looking chair, we have Gaga as Pierriot. 


Are these supposed to link? :laughga:


Someone must not have read her interview ;).  It's long but here is a small quote.


She mentions that the white cloth that surrounds her in the “Applause†cover image is a coat by Gareth Pugh. But when asked if he had a larger influence in the ARTPOP look, she responds with part deflection, part abstraction, turning the question back at the reporter: “It’s interesting how you view things, and you look at it like, I’m a pop icon, and [you wonder] ‘Is this the image of the album? Is this the direction? Who came up with it?’ I think that’s so interesting because it’s exactly the kind of thing we’re trying to destroy. This is one jacket. This is one image. This is one moment. This is one statement.

“When you watch each image and you watch each thing come out, they might not look exactly the same,†says Gaga. “[i’m not] defined by the same designer or defined by the same hair cut or defined by the same icon. The statement is that I’m not one icon. I’m every icon. I’m an icon that is made out of all the colors on the palette at every time. I have no restrictions. No restrictions.â€

So no, I honestly don't believe any of this is linked together. I think she wants to have an era where everything is different and doesn't have to be perfectly connected.

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I love it but I am a bit confused. 


We have Gaga with a plastic hand, Gaga sitting on a technical looking chair, we have Gaga as Pierriot. 


Are these supposed to link? :laughga:


Gaga said in the interview that it's an era composed of a bunch of mini-eras. One image does not define the era. Nor does a single song or a single coat.

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Someone must not have read her interview ;).  It's long but here is a small quote.


So no, I honestly don't believe any of this is linked together. I think she wants to have an era where everything is different and doesn't have to be perfectly connected.


I'll admit this is the first time I have laid eyes on it. #flopfan 


Thanks for sharing, I understand a lot better now, so she is basically saying that she wants to be able to have different images and not just be defined by one image for the era.


I am really slacking when it comes to checking up on the latest Gaga news, I need to get with the times! :laughga:

Gaga said in the interview that it's an era composed of a bunch of mini-eras. One image does not define the era. Nor does a single song or a single coat.


Yeah it was my fault, hadn't even bothered to read her interview. #flopfan2013 

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I love it but I am a bit confused. 


We have Gaga with a plastic hand, Gaga sitting on a technical looking chair, we have Gaga as Pierriot. 


Are these supposed to link? :laughga:



Did you read the interview yet? She says things might look really different... 

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Did you read the interview yet? She says things might look really different... 


For some strange reason I totally missed the interview thread. :toofloppy:

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Based on the way it looks i csn only imagine it sounding like a ballad

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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