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Lady Gaga pierces septum


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Gaga is brave to be a pop girl and have the balls to do that :clap: Not many others would out of fear of their image.

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high heeled fem

I don't understand why people are freaking out over something she does with HER body. Like wtf


I know :wtf: its so messed up.....and really gross 

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yes tattoos were s-xy, meat dress was controversial + iconic, peeing in a bucket well sometimes you gotta do it.......


IN YOUR OPINION tattoos are s-xy. Please word things stating you have an opinion. It'll keep others from reacting so negatively.



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Queen Gloria

Cool, let her do what she wants with her body. I bet Orlan is gonna try to sue again.

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I really don't get the extreme reactions to a nose piercing.  All the new changes didn't really alarm me.  Maybe she bleached her eyebrows so doing different makeup looks she has planned are easier, instead of shaving them off or what have you.  Shaving more of her hair I just assumed was probably to make wigs fit a little better or easier.  None of that is nothing new for her. And the septum, jesus christ people.  This is Lady Gaga, and you think a piercing is too crazy? Not to mention it's small, and easy to conceal, many of  my friends have them and you can't even tell if they have them turned or taken out.   I mean really, calm down people, it's all going to be ok.  You know that all of this is leaking for a reason, I don't think anyone can know for sure what it is, but I'm sure this will make sense when it all comes together.  The fact that all this is coming out, and these pics are so different, I'm excited to see how it all plays out with the music!  I get people being suprised, but judging her (or anyone) this harshly for getting a septum piercing and bleaching their eyebrows?  I think we've forgotten about accepting people for who they are, not what modifications they may have on their bodies.  No disrespect meant to anyone! :hug:

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high heeled fem

We aren't freaking out over the piercing  :fail: we're bothered by the thought of this being the overall "look" of the ARTPOP era.


oh wake up gaga is gonna have hundreds of looks since when has she had one look? :nails: in a few weeks shes gonna have diff colour hair that how she rolls.......

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high heeled fem

I really don't get the extreme reactions to a nose piercing.  All the new changes didn't really alarm me.  Maybe she bleached her eyebrows so doing different makeup looks she has planned are easier, instead of shaving them off or what have you.  Shaving more of her hair I just assumed was probably to make wigs fit a little better or easier.  None of that is nothing new for her. And the septum, jesus christ people.  This is Lady Gaga, and you think a piercing is too crazy? Not to mention it's small, and easy to conceal, many of  my friends have them and you can't even tell if they have them turned or taken out.   I mean really, calm down people, it's all going to be ok.  You know that all of this is leaking for a reason, I don't think anyone can know for sure what it is, but I'm sure this will make sense when it all comes together.  The fact that all this is coming out, and these pics are so different, I'm excited to see how it all plays out with the music!  I get people being suprised, but judging her (or anyone) this harshly for getting a septum piercing and bleaching their eyebrows?  I think we've forgotten about accepting people for who they are, not what modifications they may have on their bodies.  No disrespect meant to anyone! :hug:



fantastic post! you potined out some great things u can hide it! and yeah its common very common

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oh wake up gaga is gonna have hundreds of looks since when has she had one look? :nails: in a few weeks shes gonna have diff colour hair that how she rolls.......


Ok but tell me why would she get a piercing if she's only going to wear it for 3 days? The piercing obviously coincides with this "rocker" look so...

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omg inb4 the decay 

she's only werking it with the black hair

maybe it'll grow on me, she's really changing it up before this era is even beginning  :shocked::worship:

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We aren't freaking out over the piercing  :fail: we're bothered by the thought of this being the overall "look" of the ARTPOP era.


Gaga is ARTPOP. ARTPOP is Gaga. Gaga is the creator of ARTPOP, and if she wants HER creation to look like that then it is HER decision. 

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