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VIDEO: Gaga Sings National Anthem at NYC Pride


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Imagine if she turns the national anthem into a gay EDM record. that will cause the biggest controversy ever

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I'm so proud of Gaga for doing this. Not just for us, but for her standing out and continuing to do what she believes in.


On the other hand, I am incredibly disappointed in some fans for saying stuff like "ugh, not another Born This Way era" or "forget the gays, go slay other faves". If Gaga being on top means so much to you that you no longer care about other people's needs, or you think that something like LGBT pride is merely a pinch of dust you scrap off your shoes when you no longer need it, then you need to re-think who your favorite artist is.


This fanbase is HUGE, you'll always read different opinions about every Gaga's move.

The majority of her fans and the GP loved her speech and "performance" so far. Stop paying attention to the delusional ones. Just enjoy the positive comments.

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Amazing to me how incredibly stupid Gaga can be sometimes...This was her first time singing the National Anthem publicly, right??  And obviously she can sing it quite well - - - - if she hadn't done that nonsense of changing the words [btw you NEVER EVER change the words to the National Anthem - you just DON'T and ppl are gonna be pissed now] - but anyway, if she woulda done it straight (no pun intended) - she might possibly have just booked herself to sing it at the Super Bowl or somewhere really important.  Now she will most likely NEVER EVER get asked to sing it.  Good one Stephanie!  You'd think that busting up her own hip and screwing up her tour would have taught her a bit if humility.


Man - she really blew it for herself this time!



Are you kidding me? 

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