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Lady Gaga will be the music director of Versace's fashion show.


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Ray of Light


Just a general plea to MarcMonster.....


HOW after all this time of being a Gaga fan, HOW do you


a. somehow be able to get backstage/attend most of her shows

b. get access to her events when other die-hards and forum staffers and people have sooooo much trouble :haha:

c. always somehow get exclusive tidbits.


how. just how


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Incidentally, versace released the trailer for tonight's show and it's some other artist:



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Incidentally, versace released the trailer for tonight's show and it's some other artist:


Brooke Candy right...

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Just a general plea to MarcMonster.....


HOW after all this time of being a Gaga fan, HOW do you


a. somehow be able to get backstage/attend most of her shows

b. get access to her events when other die-hards and forum staffers and people have sooooo much trouble :haha:

c. always somehow get exclusive tidbits.


how. just how


Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Just a general plea to MarcMonster.....

HOW after all this time of being a Gaga fan, HOW do you

a. somehow be able to get backstage/attend most of her shows

b. get access to her events when other die-hards and forum staffers and people have sooooo much trouble :haha:

c. always somehow get exclusive tidbits.

how. just how

Money, honey.

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We are getting tiny 5 second clips of assorted dance music but nothing that screams Gaga except a supposed shot of Gaga DJing at the turntable booth and one grainy candid someone has already GIF'ed.

The gif:




We have ONE image of Gaga at the show:


Gaga a Gogo on facebook posted ^ along with



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Andy Darko

here to help. â€@inspirepostss now

@iamboomkack Stay in your ratchet, pressed, jealous b---h lane and Gaga will stay in her grammy-winning, artist of the decade lane. Sit down

here to help. â€@inspirepostss now

@iamboomkack How's the unemployment line doing, sweetheart?


@iamboomkack Says the hussy ass b---h who can't even spell amateur right. You're done, sweetie. Sit down and get back to being irrelevant. x


AhAHAHAHAHA  :staymad:  :fthis:  :oops:  :whitney:  :ray:  :bunny:

This is really sad and pathetic. First of all noone truly knows who she's talking about. Yes Lady gaga did serve as a musical director today, but come on guys is she the only musician serving as a musical director today at some event?, most likely not considering the amount of musicians in this world. Y'all act like literally all Laurianne Gibson thinks and cares about is Gaga. Yeah, she was incredibly successful with Gaga, but her success is so much more broad than that, and most likely more than a lot of y'all have ever or ever will accomplish.  And even if she was talking about Lady Gaga, y'all need to stop acting like Lady Gaga is your family, or you mom. Stop fighting her battles, which if she did decide to fight, would be in such a graceful manner, that most of y'all would be humiliated for acting so ratchetly. I swear some of you Gaga fans are a complete disgrace and the total opposite for what Gaga stands for, and it's sad because some of y'all act like attacking anyone who may possibly remotely be attacking Gaga, is helping her, is in someway making her feel better, when all you're doing is solidifying the stereotype that Lady gaga's fans are batsh*t crazy. And finally get a life. There is so much more to this world than to spread hate, bully, or snoop down to someone's level...especially when you have absolutely nothing to do with the situation. 


Now of course I don't know Gaga personally, but I can only assume with the countless interviews I've seen and footage of her speaking during tour, and her own actions to such things, that she wouldn't respond anywhere near the ridiculousness some of you guys respond with.


And this is only directed at those people are who are responding to Laurieann in such manners, no one else. And this is not an attack, but just my opinion of course.


....anyways it definitely sounds like she is saying ARTPOP on that one vine...

Edited by Andy Darko
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No new music




No pics of Gaga








Btw, from the clips, the new designs are not that.. good in my opinion

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I've been gone for a while, could someone fill me in on what's happened so far/is it over? Is she still supposedly performing at 1 AM?

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No new music




No pics of Gaga








Btw, from the clips, the new designs are not that.. good in my opinion


There were two pics of Gaga, check the thread.

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so nothing really hype worthy? :(



Nope, I guess something could still happen but don't hold your breath. :rip:

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