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holy scheisse

This was so gorgeous. I’m literally crying Bowen voiced so many feelings I have about this woman :cryga: born this way dragged me out the closet and marry the night got me through so many dark times. I just love her :cryga:

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Ugh I loved this. It's just different when the interviewer is a real fan that gets it

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Charlotte Quinn

She looks so happy and was so sweet. They were super nice to her as well and made her feel comfortable. They are all so cute :kara:

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Wow, I agree with what everyone else is saying... This is hands down one of her best interviews, her guard was completely down, they asked great questions and I personally learned a lot about Gaga, even though I've seen every interview of hers :laughga:

They obviously had a connection with her and her music and it felt like she was talking to them as if they were good friends... LOVE :traumatica:

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Hmmm So she wanted all album to be full industrial rock punk like perfect celebrity but Michael said no… hmmmm… Michael pleaseeeee, I know you love Gaga but… this is not the one

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that was absolutely perfect! It can sometimes be a littttle awkward when fans interview her, like her guard is a little up, bracing for the ARTPOP II questions kinda thing, but she was so comfortable here and it was so well done! Props to Bowen and Matt for striking the exact right tone, I'm sure it wasn't easy for them :vegas:

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Bowen is absolutely the reason Killah was performed on SNL and I love that

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Ladle Ghoulash
1 hour ago, Seringai said:

Hmmm So she wanted all album to be full industrial rock punk like perfect celebrity but Michael said no… hmmmm… Michael pleaseeeee, I know you love Gaga but… this is not the one

That’s not what she said lol. She said she had written material that wasn’t industrial and, after writing PC she wanted to rework everything she had already done as industrial and he told her he thought that was a bad idea (which I agree with) 

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Loved this. Sobbed several times. Truly this is one of those cultural moments that makes me feel connected. I live in rural Montana, I don’t have any queer community here, and this really makes me feel a part of it, especially them articulating how important she has been to their lives. 

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That was probably one of her best interviews to date. The 2 hosts really did a splendid job making it feel like a "cute hangout with friends" but still with a lot of substance.

Also her explaining Coachella will be a lot more spectacule, not minimal :giveup:


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I thought it was a bit sad when she said she kind of misses her life before fame, when she used to hang out with friends and talk about music. I guess it's the price for being a star. 

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