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MAYHEM projected to debut with 200-225k sales


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I mean... Chromatica has already sold like more than 4M copies WW I believe, and the first week numbers were just a bit higher than this. Don't see the issue by any means!

I must say, nonetheless, I also expected higher numbers. Like 350-375K realistically speaking... That being said, it's clear to me she's playing in a long run this time. Coachella and Copacabana are coming, we all should remember that

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30 minutes ago, elegidadedios said:

I mean... Chromatica has already sold like more than 4M copies WW I believe, and the first week numbers were just a bit higher than this. Don't see the issue by any means!

I must say, nonetheless, I also expected higher numbers. Like 350-375K realistically speaking... That being said, it's clear to me she's playing in a long run this time. Coachella and Copacabana are coming, we all should remember that

But what in the world made you think that was a “realistic” expectation for her first week sales? That’s an enormous figure she hasn’t touched since BTW at her commercial peak 14 years ago. 

Joanne scraped 200k in 2016 - a great # given its sound and singles performance, but it was a transitional period where digital sales - her strength - were still not completely dead. 

Chromatica then debuted 260k in 2020. You thought she’d get a 40% increase 5 years after Chromatica, which “only” rose 25% from Joanne, despite her being in a much better position than she had been in terms of hype and relevance from ASIB, the aid of ticket bundles, Ariana and BP features?

*(The rest is not directed at you)*

Everyone was shading her in the lead up to this era saying: “no hype,” “lucky to debut #1,” “won’t pass 100k,” “can’t touch Chromatica numbers without bundles or Ariana,” blah blah blah.

Now, she’s predicted to have a great opening in line with her last 3 studio albums - amazing consistency for a 39 year old woman in the pop music industry that has transitioned from digital sales to fully streaming in that time - and it’s a disappointment?

Can we just once say “well done” to our supposed favorite? Show support for an accomplishment? Jesus.

Edited by JustJames
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16 minutes ago, JustJames said:

But what in the world made you think that was a “realistic” expectation for her first week sales? That’s an enormous figure she hasn’t touched since BTW at her commercial peak 14 years ago. 

Joanne scraped 200k in 2016 - a great # given its sound and singles performance, but it was a transitional period where digital sales - her strength - were still not completely dead. 

Chromatica then debuted 260k in 2020. You thought she’d get a 40% increase 5 years after Chromatica, which “only” rose 25% from Joanne, despite her being in a much better position than she had been in terms of hype and relevance from ASIB, the aid of ticket bundles, Ariana and BP features?

*(The rest is not directed at you)*

Everyone was shading her in the lead up to this era saying: “no hype,” “lucky to debut #1,” “won’t pass 100k,” “can’t touch Chromatica numbers without bundles or Ariana,” blah blah blah.

Now, she’s predicted to have a great opening in line with her last 3 studio albums - amazing consistency for a 39 year old woman in the pop music industry that has transitioned from digital sales to fully streaming in that time - and it’s a disappointment?

Can we just once say “well done” to our supposed favorite? Show support for an accomplishment? Jesus.

I'm gonna say this with all due of respect: it really PISSES me off when someone - just like you did - throws out facts assuming the other person don't know **** when I actually did know beforehand ALL the things you said... How about you chill and not jump into conclusions? Will you?

I agree with what you said - just expressed how I expected a bit more from first week sales based on my personal opinion (despite already saying in this thread and many others how I think she's aiming for the long run and doing amazing)

Also, sidenote: a bit creepy how you think someone is disminishing her just because they said "well that's great I thought it would do bigger"... Like... It's... Not... A... Personal... Attack... Nor... Even... An... Attack... Itself

Get out now

Edit: I literally said "don't see the issue by any means!"

You may throw these facts next time without quoting me cause that was useless lmao :bye:

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2 hours ago, InTheCloset said:

I was expecting big numbers. Its sold 3.2 million worldwide. Why US always such a flop? 
Ima go and focus on the album now:holdmyhand:

A good question just in general terms

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14 minutes ago, elegidadedios said:

I'm gonna say this with all due of respect: it really PISSES me off when someone - just like you did - throws out facts assuming the other person don't know **** when I actually did know beforehand ALL the things you said... How about you chill and not jump into conclusions? Will you?

I agree with what you said - just expressed how I expected a bit more from first week sales based on my personal opinion (despite already saying in this thread and many others how I think she's aiming for the long run and doing amazing)

Also, sidenote: a bit creepy how you think someone is disminishing her just because they said "well that's great I thought it would do bigger"... Like... It's... Not... A... Personal... Attack... Nor... Even... An... Attack... Itself

Get out now

Edit: I literally said "don't see the issue by any means!"

You may throw these facts next time without quoting me cause that was useless lmao :bye:

Why even get on a forum if we're gonna sit here and be toxic the entire time? Other user provided stats because they were using a logical argument and logical arguments use facts. And given that you predicted Gaga would do 350k on a 16 track album makes it seem like you didn't know her debut numbers for her past albums. I don't want you to feel unwelcome or cast out, but if we're gonna be here (which we should be if we want to be, celebrating our favorites new album) we should at least be civil and not nasty. 

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1 minute ago, AsleepOnTheCeiling said:

Why even get on a forum if we're gonna sit here and be toxic the entire time? Other user provided stats because they were using a logical argument and logical arguments use facts. And given that you predicted Gaga would do 350k on a 16 track album makes it seem like you didn't know her debut numbers for her past albums. I don't want you to feel unwelcome or cast out, but if we're gonna be here (which we should be if we want to be, celebrating our favorites new album) we should at least be civil and not nasty. 

Well they shouldn't have quoted me then that's all I'm saying

They were the first being nasty treating me like somewhat an ignorant. I see those things coming from a long distance

Again, read my original post. I think she's doing great, just expected a bit more based ONLY on my personal opinion - like I was aiming for that. That's it

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I went to 2 stores in person to buy the album and they both didn't have any copies. one of the stores was TARGET lol.. was worried more people had that issue and the debut would be low. but maybe its just my shitty area, that's more of a tourist summer location lol.. I had to order online!!

hope she gets that #1! sounds like a healthy debut to me but I haven't followed numbers in a while haha

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1 hour ago, Lextyr97 said:

I’m telling yall, Gaga is playing the long game with this album cycle

I just need more than 2 singles and a promo single this time. I need more music videos too. Please :abra:

Shadow of a man and Zombieboy need single treatment 

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1 hour ago, Bradley said:

Also Gaga fans are mostly adults who are employed so this explains why we can't do Taylor's numbers.

No one  can do Taylors numbers except her lol 

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The issue is that we define too much Gaga's success using US Charts. The US is far from indicating quality (we see it everyday...) 

Abracadabra is doing pretty good on the global 200 for example, and Gaga is very famous in Europe, South America and Japan. But we tend to overlook it 

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31 minutes ago, AsleepOnTheCeiling said:

Why even get on a forum if we're gonna sit here and be toxic the entire time? Other user provided stats because they were using a logical argument and logical arguments use facts. And given that you predicted Gaga would do 350k on a 16 track album makes it seem like you didn't know her debut numbers for her past albums. I don't want you to feel unwelcome or cast out, but if we're gonna be here (which we should be if we want to be, celebrating our favorites new album) we should at least be civil and not nasty. 

The concept of loving an album and also talking about its numbers and discussing wether or not its performing good are not mutually exclusive. 

200-225k is mediocre/lukewarm. Its less that Chromatica and this album cycle had more promo and a better context in terms of GP sentiment. Gaga just won a grammy, had a COLOSAL hit with DWAS, she’s the 2nd most streamed artist on Spotify IN THE WORLD, we aren’t in a global pandemic anymore, and she has been doing countless interviews to promote the record. While she could be playing the long game, business wise this album probably was aiming for higher than its initial projection. If anything, anyone thinking it wasn’t gonna do more than Chromatica lowballed it (and unfortunately were right). 

I agree that 350k was too optimistic, but 200k isn’t something to be amazed by. Its barely the bar it should reach

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When this wins AOTY, we will have the last laugh. Who do we need to pay for votes?

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