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Michael doing a "shake up" in Gaga's camp


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Future Lovers
18 hours ago, RenegAde said:

If this is actually  true then its a major red flag for me and i don't care how anyone wants to spin this 

Someone's partner having the care to point out the people in your life that are holding you back or damaging your success is not a red flag. We should all be so lucky to have someone willing to be that honest with us. 

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Future Lovers
16 hours ago, LunaUniverse said:

I have no idea why some fans put so much time into theorizing the worst about their relationship :laughga:  It feels really icky especially the ones that compare it to an abusive relationship or conservatorship, as much as we love her we really don’t know anything about what goes on business wise

What if there were legitimately toxic people around her? I don’t see anything wrong about not wanting your soon to be wife to be surrounded by people who don’t have her health or career in best interests. 

This happens with stans every single time their fave gets into a relationship. It extends well beyond Monsters and can be found in every stanbase. And the reason for it, whether they want to admit it or not, is they don't like the feeling that their fave is being "taken away" from them. Stans are possessive and completely untrusting of any new people that come into their faves' lives and make a large impact. 

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I implore some of you to at least see her Kimmel interview and the latest NYT interview podcast.

Micheal and Gaga are THE team now and he will make sure everything suits her needs and standards, and this has nothing to do with him having power over her or wtv nonsense people come up with... if this is really true, she's just using him as a weapon, maybe something similar happened with Richy, if anything, SHE has power over him, he's just dong her bidding. Some people really sell gaga short sometimes, she's not dumb :partysick: 

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Axl Jax

I get really controlling vines from him and I don't know why. It's a gut feeling I have, I feel like Antphrodites reading on yourube planted a seed in my mind and now we're finding out he has a lot of creative control... maybe creative is the wrong word but just control in general. Don't get me wrong I can't judge someone I've never met but l hope he's using it for good not bad.

Edit: i shouldve come to the last page and scrolled up before writing this lol jesus

Edited by Axl Jax
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