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The Beast will be the underrated gem

Squidward T

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Squidward T

It reminds me of her unreleased late 00’s dark child tracks. The soaring vocals, the dark theme, the production, so good !! 

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It's SO good and instantly one of my fave and I've only listened to the album once via one of the many fights to New Zealand :ororomunroe: I keep thinking about it and how it was strangely reminiscent of "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. Can't wait to hear it again when it's officially released for me! Just 3 more hours :artdoll2:

in her tongue she said, "death or love tonight"
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I still think it might do well on streaming, maybe that's too ambitious, but who knows :enigma: Def on my top songs.


The melody that you choose can rescue you
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This song is majestic. I’ve seen several people call it boring, but to me, the energy is just so cool. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I’m in a horror movie where I actually want to be the victim lmao

DJ, hit the lights
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It was my tracklist pick a few weeks ago, and I'm so impressed. It's every niche thing I love about her music. It's got R&B in it's veins. It's Second Time Around's mother. It's so intense. It's like a dark opera. It's such a goddamn groove. I love this song so much.

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David Ward

Ok, so i love every single song on Mayhem (not exaggerating), except this one. I'm not saying its bad, but I haven't connected with it yet. 

After the album roll out settles, I'll def revisit it and I'm sure it'll grow on me.

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The Beast -> Blade of Grass -> Die With A Smile is a beautiful way to end the album and I'll stand by it. But yes The Beast is going to be that underrated gem.

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Yeah, probably. No Discussion : The Beast thread I found...

Beatbox nostalgy. The conviction becomes pressing here in a Soundgarden way.

Gaga sings her beast heart out. Will the werewolf rise at midnight ?

Mayhem thematics kinda echo some Ava Max songs. In a milfy way. Sorta. (I know... don't...)

Late to the party but I got a diamond heart
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Completely agree.

Strangely it is like an amalgam of three distinct influences  that I truly adore: MJ (Who Is It?), Depeche Mode (Shake The Disease), and the Cure 90s rock ballads. 

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1 hour ago, Cavadour said:

Mayhem thematics kinda echo some Ava Max songs. In a milfy way.

What did I just read

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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