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MAYHEM Press Conference


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Love her look, couldn't help thinking of that one scene from Edward Scissorhands at a TV show with a microphone :ladyhaha:

Love it though. Most questions were interesting, it's feels refreshing compared to most interviews. Also messier sometimes :laughga:



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I really wish there were more interesting and deep questions that only a fan could ask.

Who cares about what she said to Ariana Grande :toofunny:

Why ask a question about the MAYHEM tour when we will have the answer eventually :toofunny:

When you think back about this moment, you'll regret not having asked something more interesting.

The only TAG member who can read
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On 3/7/2025 at 3:51 AM, mdance4life said:

im praying with every molecule in my being that we can now shut up and move on about ARTPOP act 2.

I mean she said Act II is 'not impossible' and would need to get into the EDM 'headspace' again to make it. That's not laying it to rest to me. If she was truly uninterested she would just flat out say, never happening.

The only thing she ruled out is releasing a demo collection as a number 2.



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