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Lady Gaga to perform in Mexico on April 26th


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Given the dates we know so far, their curious distribution and how unclear it is whether this is part of a tour or not.... What are the chances of her touring South America and including shows in Argentina? :messga:

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40 minutes ago, Emily said:

I feel like the tour will be next year if she's doing all these one off shows this year?

Something tells me she's doing the Mayhem Tour this summer. A lot of things have been similar to the original Chromatica era plans, Album and Coachella in April, Tour in July/August 2020. I'd have my coins ready just in case she announces something soon.

Edited by Anderson123
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1 hour ago, KeepOnSwimming said:

Aaaaw I love that for all our fellow mexican lil monsters :diane:

But also I am jealous. I really hope Gaga comes to Europe, preferably Vienna :saladga:

Lately I see some Austrian monsters on here … and I love it 

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My personal guess is she's going to do some shows here and there in 2025 and going on wordwide tour next year.

I'm 100% certain Gaga wouldn't like just doing a tour redoing Coachella or Copacabana. I hardly see her having time for Tour preparation and rehearsal if set this Summer...

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Linus Gaga

Maybe this is the situation like Fame ball and those music festive in 2009, same but not same :oprah:

Hit me a message and say hi !
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I shat my pants 

I'm ready. I'm praying the closest to stage to be seated and not general 

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1 minute ago, A Very Gaga Holida said:

She’s singing Americano :tony:

Mariachi version ofc

Edited by rinasawachanta
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36 minutes ago, GoldenPonyboy said:

I think she may have a festival set shes gonna do a few shows here and there for international dates. For the usa we are looking at a sphere residency next year with maybe limited touring

Why fill in dates for something like the Sphere? I don’t see her breaking off with Dolby Live just yet

1# Samoyed Stan
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Can she go to Colombia so I can travel there? I can't use part of my savings for Gagacabana because they're untouchable for 6 months. I can't go to Mexico (it's probably more expensive than Brazil because the concert isn't free) either.

Now that I can have some money to do something for myself, I can't :triggered:


Mexicanas por favor compartan sus streams :traumatica:

english is not my native language >.<
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31 minutes ago, rinasawachanta said:

Given the dates we know so far, their curious distribution and how unclear it is whether this is part of a tour or not.... What are the chances of her touring South America and including shows in Argentina? :messga:

I think there's a big chance another couple dates are announced for May, she said last year she was going back to Chile soon so it makes sense after Coachella, Mexico and Brazil she takes the same show to Chile or Argentina, hope that's the case:stupidoreo:

Edited by ARTCHAOS
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