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Grimes drops old unfinished demos and talks about her relationship to fan base


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drop the demos in the trash

nobody wants to hear that

stream ritacadabra
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Ladle Ghoulash

Can’t believe she tanked her career to procreate with a Nazi

Let’s just say 🗣️ I’m CREAMING 🥛 in my CORN 🌽
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Ladle Ghoulash

Apropos of nothing


Let’s just say 🗣️ I’m CREAMING 🥛 in my CORN 🌽
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They tear her a new one on the reddit sub everyday though :ladyhaha:. Crazy that's the place she feels comfortable with, to engage with her audience, they hate her too :laughga:.

I still think she's a very talented artist, and if she releases something meaningful, artistically-wise, again, I'll probably engage with it, illegally. And even though I do not expect moral purity from the artists I support, nor do I expect for their values to allign with mine... I think Grimes' biggest crime is being too stupid. 

I wouldn't have as much of an issue with her conservative turn, if 80% of her public statements, on any given subject, weren't pure idiocy. If she was at least smarter about it, I could tolerate it. 

But the level of stupidity of her public discourse has effectively changed my perception of her as an artist. I do see her as a pretty unintelligent individual now, which by default made me lose interest in her as a creative person. 

Be evil or "controversial" if you want, but at least don't be stupid while you're doing it, that's where I draw the line :iamfair:

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chun li

all that talk about music over the years and this is the half assed cover she puts out? 
:billie: i'm honestly embarassed 

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1 hour ago, bionic said:

drop the demos in the trash

nobody wants to hear that

hey lots of artists *cough* should be *cough* following the same beautiful example *hack choke wheeze*

Just because she may not be our fave doesn't mean theres some hardcore Grimes fan that is just eating right now

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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2 hours ago, ChicaSkas said:

hey lots of artists *cough* should be *cough* following the same beautiful example *hack choke wheeze*

Just because she may not be our fave doesn't mean theres some hardcore Grimes fan that is just eating right now

And honestly they should starve for still supporting this moron. 

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Can she drop David and Saturn Princess already so I can never care about her ever again?

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