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MAYHEM: The Official Discussion Thread (Act II) It’s MAYHEM in here 👹


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ngl the album gets better with each listen, still dont vibe with the last minute of Killah but almost finished my full time going through the album for the 2nd time

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1 minute ago, Celloo Deng said:

how rich do u want river

stream killeh ft gasfreefart

His fart felt like a kiss
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Just now, windzo said:

A friend told me How bad do you want me sounds like a taylor swift song and she loves it

She is a swiftie :selena:

it does, like of it came on a T swift album it would be a highlight for me. Like its giving something on Lover but its a bop

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I'm starting to like ιτ. :messga: wtf? 5th listen tho :ladyhaha: something changing.. 

yes i was expecting something totally different n its her fault for that goth dreams album (its NOT) n that visuals n cover. Here everything should have been sequins and rhinestones! :trollga:

Vissually i gues she tryied to make as the favour but didt work out. Bur beside of this starts to like what i m listen. idk if its a coincidence but youtube helped me witht that semivisuals or 5 times are enough to start get it :oops:

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2 minutes ago, robotvoiceinalice said:

it does, like of it came on a T swift album it would be a highlight for me. Like its giving something on Lover but its a bop

Agree the song is good imo 

She believes she hairs taylor as a background singers especially in the beginning and honestly I kinda hear it 

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If I get in any nine day wonder kind of relationship at this very moment I would go cry HARD while in the train going to work and listening to Don’t Call Tonight :diane:

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Definitely in my top 3 favorite albums of hers. I hear hits immediately. The choruses are just too good. 

Also Garden of Eden on the New Music Friday Spotify playlist?? We won

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4 minutes ago, HermesG said:

yes i was expecting something totally different n its her fault for that goth dreams album (its NOT) n that visuals n cover. Here everything should have been sequins and rhinestones!

It totally throws you off when you come from Disease and Abracadabra and those pics from the album, I know she had the Prince pic in the studio and that we were expecting some influence but having 2 songs be dark crazy pop with harsh vocals and then switch to disco was a shock. Still love it tho'

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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The only thing I don’t understand is the choice whole aesthetic she’s been going for lately, which doesn’t fit the record. Her aesthetic choices over the last few years have been kind of strange, from the brutalist concept of the Chromatica Ball (which is far removed from the aesthetic of the record) to Mayhem being a light pop, funk-eurodance record, lol.

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Glad to say i only listened to how swift you want me once and that was enough, idk why this song is doing in this album

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Idk who, but I remember that someone on GGDaily around 2022 or 2023 predicted the Funk influences. This finally happenned guys. :firega:

I'm here to take a break from university homeworks :/
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My ONLY complaint about this album is cirkuit overusing that damn drum filler for every transition, like come on do something else :lolly:

Long Live Gretchen
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