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MAYHEM: The Official Discussion Thread (Act II) It’s MAYHEM in here 👹


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1 hour ago, Donatellah said:

honestly, no. i appreciate gaga's idea about not making mayhem just a sole concept and sound, but it feels a bit out of place looking at the photoshoot, singles, videos, looks when most of the album sounds like this


I’m just saying Gaga’s aesthetics up until ARTPOP very seldom felt they totally meshed with the music. *she* sold it and in hindsight we associate it with an era but most of born this way is not like…metal leather and darkness lmao. It’s not grotesque eyeliner and black and white hair or even teal. And I love all those things! But I distinctly recall back then a sentiment was like girl what are these visuals for a disco song lmao so I’m giving her space to sell it. The songs we’ve seen so far *do match them well so we’ll see! Personally, I think the wig on the cover is VERY 80s and makes a lot of sense with most of this.

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19 minutes ago, Seringai said:

most of negative reviews on x are coming from katy stans anyway..

Are there still any left? 🤣 they should stream Katys 14323456 album instead

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From now I think only LoveDrug and Shadow Of A Man can be singles :bradley:

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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22 minutes ago, Melania K Trump said:

2008 was an absolute great ****ing time compared to whatever the **** we're dealing with these days I'll HAPPILY go back to 2008 sis idk what you're talking about

That was honestly one of the best years of my entire life. I turned 18 that year, and even got to see Gaga for $5 at an 18+ gay club. But other than that, god that was an amazing year in my life. So happy and free, music then was epic. I honestly had such a strong and much closer relationship with music in general then. I got my first place living alone as an adult, I met my first ever love/heartbreak. I got to Vote for Obama and he won! That was an amazing year. I would happily go back to then compared to now 😭😭

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
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The album's good but i have to agree with the fact the aesthetic doesn't really match the sound of the album except for Disease and Abra. I don't really care tho. I'm just happy it's good :vegas:

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Flew to NZ on the new VPN Airlines,


To be brutally honest, I’m mixed on the album. Need a lot more time with it.

Mr. No Award Winner 2020
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The entire album is a pleasant surprise! She really did not lie when she said you think you know where the album is going after the first few tracks, but you have no idea.

It's so rich musically! Like based on Disease I expected Killah and Zombieboy to be techno-industrial, but they're actually bluesy pop-rock-dance... I actually have no idea how to classify them. Like, Zombieboy was also very disco?? Everything glimmers and is so sexy, but there is darkness that permeates throughout the entire thing which is distinctly Gaga.


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13 minutes ago, SHALLOW said:

Does anyone else skip the ballads? Except Vanish into you :huntyga: 


What ballads honestly? The only proper ballads are Blade Of Grass and Die With A Smile...

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I’ll say it’s absolutely her best music since ARTPOP. Idk if it’s better than the stuff before it (nostalgia makes it hard to say rn), but I really did grin so big for most of this album. The writing feels so much more fluid and less forced which I think you can feel at times on chromatica, Joanne and even parts of ARTPOP. It reminds me a LOT of TF in good ways but not a revisit of the sound.  That Zane interview has been the most revealing of the vibe so far. It really does feel like the pop scene of the early 2000s heavily inspired by the 80s that you’d be cranking in a bar or anywhere chill. There’s some songs that are good but there’s a lot that are really great pop, the type we’ve asked her to make for years that isn’t so big or esoteric. It’s just solid, great pop with an interesting sound. Vanish Into You reminds me of Bad Romance at the piano in the vocal riff but isn’t a rip off or revisit at ALL. how bad do u want me reminds me of Brooklyn nights and no way and second time around. Idk who tf said blades of grass is country it’s glam pop rock lmao and I hate to say it but DWAS is not as jarring as I thought it would be. It’s mostly just not absolutely needed but it’s not a dud either.

all in all, as a looooong time fan this is the happiest I’ve immediately been to hear her music in about a decade. It feels very very much like a return to her roots but evolved. Like she had the space to go back to her real musical inspirations and make the music most natural to her as a pop artist (like she said she’s happy to be Gaga again), but it also encapsulates her sonic journey also. I wouldn’t say it’s very chaotically all over the place anymore so than TFM or BTW but it’s a really really great, fun, easy record which she hasn’t had in a long time.

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My god Zombieboy is Summerboy's goth sister 

She put gwen stefani in a dark edgy pop blender and made magic

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whoever says that album is not "dark pop"

dark pop can come from a happy place and it doesn't have to be horrific and sad, it can celebrate the dark than be consumed by it.

MJ's Thriller is dark, but the songs are very groovy and happy.

His fart felt like a kiss
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I am cackling rn because some people on here are melting down over "negative reactions" and I honestly haven't seen that much? Then I remember I'm not on stan twitter so.... :huntyga:

anyway, loved loved LOVED the album--just read that thread about how this album felt like Gaga was at her most genuine and you know what? I actually agree with that! The whole project was so easy to listen to because I'm actually hearing her believe in what she's singing? I also felt like there's not much filler (:bon:) this time around because.... Chromatica our beloved sister felt like full of them (damn the lead single sounded like a filler!) Perfect Celebrity is literally the best song in her catalogue like........... it's crazy! Killah has the interesting production, **** vibe, and fun lyrics that is just so so SO YUMMY :ororomunroe: How Bad Do U Want Me tho.......... what are you doing here!!! Go back to a certain Saylor Twift :billie: 

And if you don't like this album, it's 100% fine. Let go, unclench. Stop posting about "how sad you are" that you're not connecting with it..... it's never that serious. No one needs to convince you that it's good and that you should like it :ladyhaha: leave the dramatics elsewhereeeee it's weird

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41 minutes ago, SEANGT said:

Right. I'm happy for her. But...in other words, it's an album that, besides the singles, belongs back in 2008.

It's an album that actually belongs in 2030 as its ahead of its time setting a trend. Many artists will try to replicate this path in the next couple of years :)

Not even exaggerating. She opened the gates to something unique with Mayhem

I said what I SAID

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53 minutes ago, crushedlemonice said:

The Beast is phenomenal 

IT IS :enigma:


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