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Disney’s Snow White | Official Trailer


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The CGI looks unfinished (I presume it is), the outfits look amateurish (honestly Snow White's wig looks like its from a parody). That said we will be supporting after the hate Rachel received

stream ritacadabra
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just doesn't look that interesting. The Substance is a better movie about needing to be the fairest of them all lol 

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Cute. Just a friendly reminder, not EVERY children movie is supposed to cater to 30 y/o faqs. :kiss:

this looks like a perfectly enjoyable movie for a 6-10 year old. :)

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Wow it looks even more terrible than i envisioned. Zegler is completely dull and conveys none of the gentle, sweet innocence of Snow White and the cgi of the dwarves is absolutely horrendous. 

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11 minutes ago, bpmMonkey said:

Cute. Just a friendly reminder, not EVERY children movie is supposed to cater to 30 y/o faqs. :kiss:

this looks like a perfectly enjoyable movie for a 6-10 year old. :)

Yeah, and not every movie for kids has to be dull as dishwater. 

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Gal is cast perfectly, a beautiful mask disguising a murderous monster  :ororomunroe:

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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Cameltoe Chariot

This looks absolutely TERRIBLE.

And how much do you want to get the general plot of this remake went over Gal "Zionist Queen" Gadot's head?

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Isn't Snow White a story about beauty standards, specifically in relation to pale skin? hence the name 'Snow White' and the idea of being "the fairest of them all"? It feels weird to try and divorce the story from that context, when it's literally the entire premise :laughga:

Edited by Railing
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Mother of Puppies

I really don't like the actress... I think she's overrated and I also didn't really like her in the Hunger Games


This looks like the worst Disney movie they will ever put out (and I'm a huge Disney fan)

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28 minutes ago, Rosalina said:

Yeah, and not every movie for kids has to be dull as dishwater. 

So you’ve seen the movie already ? 

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Cameltoe Chariot
3 minutes ago, bpmMonkey said:

So you’ve seen the movie already ? 

Sis movies targeting a younger audience don't get a pass when it comes to quality and artistic vision. Spirited Away is an animated children's movie and yet it's considered one of the greatest films ever made (animated or otherwise).

Yes, not everything has to be high brow. We all enjoy trashy junk media here and there. But think about the amount of money, time and energy put into something this soulless... it's actually depressing lol

Children deserve creatively rich and complex stories too.

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This doesn't look good but it's unfair that Zegler receive all the hate :triggered:

I'm here to take a break from university homeworks :/
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