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...to separate Gaga from her characters in films?


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I could do it in all her roles except Ally. Even in AHS Hotel, where people insist on saying she was playing herself, I could forget The Countess was Gaga but Ally is just too similar to her, I couldn’t do it. 

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No. Bu I don't think that's a bad thing. I can get lost in the story and still think 'yes bitch that is my gurl Gaga!'

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The Ew from Judas

There are some actors where all I see is the actor-she isn’t one of them. I think a big part of it is that her acting roles often have very different looks from how she usually looks, but other than that I think she disappears into parts very well, which is a testament to her as a performer 

the only time I find myself pulled out of it, funny enough, is when she starts swearing. If she starts dropping f bombs I immediately go “yeah that’s gaga” and I do not know why

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It's really hard, but I could do it on JFAD and HoG and enjoy the characters and her acting. I've never been able to separate Gaga from Ally though, and while watching I was constantly thinking GAGA GAGA GAGA GAGA :trollga: 

Edited by BeautyisaLie
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Yes and I actually was able to separate Gaga from Ally too. When she first appeared on the screen I had a moment of “omg it’s Gaga” since it was her first film, but after that I became immersed in the story.

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Let me come out as a Gaga stan who saw half of ASIB and that's it :laughga:

In terms of character/acting yes, but there are times when she looked so much like Gaga that no matter how amazing her acting was, it just felt like watching Gaga

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