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Gaga visits Born Brave bus (green hair)


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I'm loving this green hair tbh. :legend:

It is crazy how she continues to reinvent her look. Take the 09 VMA's, I can't even remotely see that Gaga in Gaga now tbh. :toofunny:

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So I missed my chance at the Born Brave Bus in St Paul, and I really wanted to share this. No idea what thread to put it in though, so if this is wrong, just say "OI! GOGO! WTF mate?" http://www.youtube.c...h?v=hitjHotr1Pw

Everybody should have somebody like you in their lives, tbh.

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wow. im speechless by your statement. thank you! thats a gigantic compliment :hug: I just really want to help these kids who feel like there is no way out. I've been down that road, and have been sent to hospitals for it, and put on meds, and have to go the groups, and that whole long list. I know that murky darkness of depression. I just want kids to be able to relate to someone who's also a mega(ga) fan. I was put on this world for something. This is my way to help and also get over all my ****. Hopefully someone from the BTWF will notice it.

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