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Will LG7 lead be pushed back?

TheFame Monster

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TheFame Monster

Die With A Smile is still smashing, shows no signed of really slowing down, and it's almost October already...

Do you think the LG7 lead will still be released and will it be a good move with how DWAS is currently doing?

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DWAS by the end of October will hit its peak momentum. So if anything, LG7 lead will help it regain a boost for longevity.


My only fear is about FAD reception and its potential domino effect if it gets hammered by GP. However, let's stay positive!

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No, I believe they have things in motion behind the scenes that are too close to expected launch of single to change - and I think that date was chosen with the success of Die With a Smile already in mind.


Edited by Agunimon
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I mean they haven't comitted to a date publicly yet so I don't think it can "get pushed back" atm. They have every day in October to work with right now. And I wouldn't be too worried about DWAS by the end of October. Besides DWAS has the energy of songs like Thinking Out Loud where they just linger in the top 10 for months. 

3 minutes ago, Arcanum said:

My only fear is about FAD reception and its potential domino effect if it gets hammered by GP. However, let's stay positive!

There's a lil risk of this. But tbf the ven diagram of fans of the current Joker series & people who listen to Lady Gaga is very very very small lol

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Absolutely not. The smashery of DWAS will help the LG7 lead as well as her streaming metrics immensely (which is 100% what her label is going to chase moving forward). We could easily see her enter the 100 million+ spotify listeners territory by having multiple smashes with the right lead. Pushing anything back is a surefire way to kill momentum and push stagnancy. Even if the LG7 single doesn't outperform DWAS, it will help her overall streams and potentially allow her to enter the top3, maybe even number 1 most streamed artist. 

We want longevity with this era, not quick flashes in the pan of singles like recent eras. 

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jacs vs looser

I think they purposely left out the specific date of the LG7 lead because they wanted to see how DWAS was doing before committing. That being said, I don't think they'll push it back a lot, maybe just late October instead of early October.

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I doubt it. And tbh releasing a new single before the previous smash started fully fizzling out can actually help maintain momentum

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No, in the current musical landscape multiple songs from the same artist can be hitting at the same time. Her monthly listeners are at an all-time high, it would be crazy to not capitalize on that

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