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Gaga x Vogue, LG7 February 2025 Release Confirmed


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EDIT: i havenā€™t started a new thread in so long, i forgot how to embed through phone :madge:

GagaĀ has spent the better part of 2024 here, recording both a surprise project and a new pop record she has taken to calling LG7, which comes out in February. (She will releaseĀ its first single in October.)

She does not want to say too much about the new recordĀ other than to tell me that it was her fiancĆ©'s idea. "Michael is the person who told me to make a new pop record. He was like, 'Babe. I love you. You need to make pop music.' " Says Polansky: "Like anyone would do for the person they love, I encouraged her to lean in to the joy of it. On the Chromatica tour, I saw a fire in her; I wanted to help her keep that alive all the time and just start making music that made her happy."Ā 

At one point, we get into a conversation about her own recentĀ fanaticism. She rattles off a list: Charli XCX, Chappell Roan, Billie Eilish. "I mean, I really love them. I go on the internet and, like, cry. And I love Taylor Swift too. And Kesha. I watch it all, and I'm like: Yup. Go! Just Go." Here, her voice cracks and her eyes well up with tears. "I'm not only cheering them on, I want them to know that my heart is in it with them. And I want them all to feel really happy." I am strangely moved. "Sorry!" she shouts through a laugh as I hand her a tissue. I get it, I say. She stares at me for a second, blinks a couple of times, and says, "You and I getting together is really important."

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She is winning againā€¦. somehow she always stays here. I canā€™t stand it.
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Once again we're winning:kara:




- LG7 in February + Tease to a surprise project: "Gaga has spent the better part of 2024 here, recording both a surprise project and a new pop record she has taken to calling LG7, which comes out in February. (She will release its first single in October.) Ā Ā [...] She does eventually play some music for me [...]Ā She queues up a song from her new pop record. Itā€™s intense and ominousā€”an old-school Gaga banger, unsettling but also buoyant. She does not want to say too much about the new record other than to tell me that it was her fiancĆ©ā€™s idea. ā€œMichael is the person who told me to make a new pop record. He was like, ā€˜Babe. I love you. You need to make pop music.ā€™ā€…ā€ Says Polansky: ā€œLike anyone would do for the person they love, I encouraged her to lean in to the joy of it. On theĀ ChromaticaĀ tour, I saw a fire in her; I wanted to help her keep that alive all the time and just start making music that made her happy.ā€ Ā [...]Ā Gaga:Ā "I feel like this new album, in a lot of ways, is about that time but from a place of happiness instead of misery";

- Gaga on Chappel Roan, Charli XCX, Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift and Kesha: "At one point, we get into a conversation about her own recent fanaticism. She rattles off a list: Charli XCX, Chappell Roan, Billie Eilish. ā€œI mean, IĀ reallyĀ love them. I go on the internet and, like,Ā cry.Ā And I love Taylor Swift too. And Kesha. I watch it all, and Iā€™m like: Yup. Go! JustĀ Go.ā€ Here, her voice cracks and her eyes well up with tears. ā€œIā€™m not only cheering them on, I want them to know that my heart isĀ inĀ it with them. And I want them all to feel really happy.ā€ I am strangely moved. ā€œSorry!ā€ she shouts through a laugh as I hand her a tissue. I get it, I say. She stares at me for a second, blinks a couple of times, and says, ā€œYou and I getting together is really important.ā€ ";

- Gaga on her engagement with Michael Polansky:ā€œMy mom met him and she said to me, ā€˜I think I just met your husband,ā€™ and I said, ā€˜Iā€™m not ready to meet my husband!ā€™ I could never have imagined that my momā€¦found the most perfect person for me?ā€ [...] "what I want my fans to know is that Iā€™m just, like,Ā soĀ happy. Iā€™m healthy. I feel like the last time they heard from meā€”in this wayā€”wasĀ Chromatica,Ā and that album was about an absolutely horrible time for me with my mental health. I was in a really dark place. I struggled for, like,Ā manyĀ years before that. But everything started to change. Because I had a real friend who saw theĀ waysĀ in which I was unhappy and why. And he wasnā€™t afraid to truly hold my hand. And get to know me. On a very deep level" [...]Ā "And now, Michael and I are really excited to organize our livesā€”and our marriageā€”around our creative output as a couple"

- Gaga on her life-career balancing: "ā€œFor a long time, for most of my career,ā€ she says, ā€œmy life was controlled by this business: what people wanted from me; what they hoped I could achieve; how to keep me going. And that can be a lot of pressure and itā€™s scary. But I feel like Iā€™m finally coming out on the other side".

- Stefani talks about GagaĀ :Ā "INTERVIEWER:Ā Is it all fantasy? Is Lady Gagaā€¦a persona?"

Gaga:Ā ā€œMan. Thatā€™s a big question. You know itā€™sĀ notĀ a persona. Itā€™s not. I amĀ allĀ of these things. The person that I am when Iā€™m onstage in front of 85,000 people? That is also me. Thatā€™s like one of the freedoms of my relationship with Michael. It feels really nice to have someone value you whether thereā€™s 85,000 people watching orā€¦the dogs.Ā To see the whole you. And Lady Gaga is the whole me.There was a time in my career when Iā€¦. Lookā€¦.ā€ā€”she cocks an eyebrow and slips into a self mocking toneā€”ā€œwhere I spoke in anĀ accentĀ in interviews or toldĀ lies,Ā but I was performing. Now, itā€™s a much more palatable mixture of authenticity and imagination. I feel like the world, to a fault, operates in these binaries: Youā€™re either real or youā€™re fake; youā€™re authentic or youā€™re shallow. But for me, I played a lot with artifice. I wasĀ fascinatedĀ with artifice, really, truly fascinated with it as an artistic tool. I still am. But my relationship to myself as an artist now is more empowered: This is me. This. Is. Me. Itā€™s tooā€¦complicatedĀ to split yourself in two and have to turn it off and on. Itā€™s so much more empowering to be like, Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™m super complex. Michael said to me once, ā€˜I will know that youā€™re really feeling great when you know thatĀ youĀ have you.ā€™ I used to always be like,Ā But whoā€™s gonna have my back?! And now Iā€™m like, Iā€™ve got my back.ā€

Edited by ARTPOPistah
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King of the Fall

She looks amazing, so many serves these days:giveup:

Edited by King of the Fall
He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and shadow and he is a great favorite
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Well itā€™s over

She is winning againā€¦. somehow she always stays here. I canā€™t stand it.
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"Sheā€™s also been recording music: a duet with Bruno Mars and a new pop album for 2025 she calls LG7"

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