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Katy Perry used an AI Snippet


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This tweet was made by someone who doesn’t get the story

Some fan obviously took Katy’s snippet after she posted it and immediately uploaded it to some AI snippet extender and faked an LQ recording 

…not Katy herself. 

like who tf is “PopDrug” 😭 this is not a source 

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Butters Stotch

Dumbest thing I've read. They will have to accept they didn't like the song, that's it.

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51 minutes ago, warhol killer said:

AI is crazy I mean look at these...



and I could tell the minute long snippet was fake bc that chorus was so LQ for no reason and so uncharacteristically repetitive for Katy’s music 

sorry Katy antis, yall definitely lost with this tweet, which proves my previous post. 

yall need to be smarter and more aware of AI like it’s 2024 


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3 hours ago, warhol killer said:

AI is crazy I mean look at these...


except these sound vocally AI. the katy leak sounds lyrically and melodically like AI, as in, lacking creativity or originality but certainly still her. it 100% sounds like her vocals, these are very clearly not. and not for nothing, but IMO the snippet Katy uploaded herself is the bad part of the song. if the leak turned out to be AI (very doubtful especially after hearing these) then the chorus in it would be the one thing that might actually save the song. the part Katy released which is obviously real and part of the actual song is…notably the part that is truly horrid :traumatica:

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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also, that same “source” is posting other remixes from old Katy albums calling them leaks…it’s giving desperate distraction technique :ororomunroe:

literally all of their content is pro-Katy and anti-everything else, including talking sh*t about Kesha bc she tweeted “lol”

these people’s lack of self-awareness full detachment from reality really just kills me 

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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Cody James

Literally the only way to win most of us back is to surprise drop the real lead single “F.U.(Dr.Luke)”.


Although, I MUST say, we witnessed Kesha and Britney both be limited in control of when and what they released(We can surmise that Mind Your Business was not released at the hands of Britney) much-less what they want to say even to this day.

I genuinely hope that Katy would not be this toxic to knowingly work with Dr. Luke, I mean, do we really think Gaga sought out Mark Ronson for Joanne? I feel like this was totally a corporate move. 

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This person is unreliable, it's an angry fan, they also said terrible things against Kesha...

I'm here to take a break from university homeworks :/
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olive specter
16 minutes ago, Cody James said:

we really think Gaga sought out Mark Ronson for Joanne?

yes we do, why wouldn't we

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if the teaser is AI (though highly unlikely) then that's the craziest and best strategy I've seen to distract then shock everyone.

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if you think about it, this is just insulting to fans regardless if they liked it or not :ladyhaha:

they hyped up fans with a potentially fake song just for the sake of hype and got them excited over nothing OR they're just flat out lying to their faces :ladyhaha:

mother, what must i do?
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18 minutes ago, r4therupbeat said:

if the teaser is AI (though highly unlikely) then that's the craziest and best strategy I've seen to distract then shock everyone.

Back in the 2000s Madonna uploaded various “leaks” and it was Madonna saying “what the f**k do you think your doing?” It was amazing, so yeah , not really unheard of an artist releasing a troyan song 

madonna seductively scolds you for pirating her latest single :


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