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The LG7 snippet is from a song called Garden Of Eden


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Okay, eating a lil humble pie here because I was so convinced it was fake...

Anyway, I uploaded the LG7 snippet to my YouTube channel and it received a copyright strike.

This copyright strike was from Universal Music Group. 


I noticed the content used field information was available on request. It told me to email [email protected] for a copy of the request. I did and it just sent me a robot response that didn't answer my question. 

So, I messaged YouTube support and they sent me this DM:


In other words:

update! below is a copy of the notification in question.

note: the claimant's physical address and phone number have been redacted [email protected]

June 12, 2024

Dear Sir/Madam, I am contacting you on behalf of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (“IFPI”) and the record companies it represents (the “IFPI Represented Companies”). Our membership across IFPI and its network of affiliated industry associations comprises some 8,000 major and independent record companies in over 70 countries, who create, manufacture and distribute sound recordings.

The information set forth in this notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, we submit that we are authorised to act on behalf of the IFPI Represented Companies in matters involving the infringement of exclusive rights that the IFPI Represented Companies hold in their sound recordings, including enforcing their copyrights and other legal rights on the Internet.

We have learned that your service is making available, distributing and/or referring/linking users to infringing copies of the below copied sound recordings, the copyrights in which are exclusively owned or controlled by one or more IFPI Represented Companies.

We have included in the table below the URL for the locations where we have identified instances of making available, distributing and/or referring/linking users to the IFPI Represented Companies’ Sound Recordings on your service.

We have a good faith belief that the above-described activity is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

We are asking for your immediate assistance in stopping this unauthorised activity. We require you to take action to immediately cease making available, distributing and/or referring/linking users to infringing copies of the IFPI Represented Companies’ Sound Recordings on your service. That action should include, where applicable:

• Deleting all copies from your service’s servers; and

• Deleting and/or disabling all URLs;

The action required should be taken not only in relation to the URLs/locations indicated in the notice, but in relation to all instances of making available, distributing and/or referring/linking users to infringing copies of the IFPI Represented Companies’ Sound Recordings on your service.

Further, we ask you to take reasonable steps to prevent further instances of making available, distributing and/or referring/linking users to infringing copies of the IFPI Represented Companies’ Sound Recordings on your service.

Our top priority is to prevent the continued availability of the IFPI Represented Companies’ content on the internet. Unauthorised copies of sound recordings that are freely available, especially pre-release recordings, cause substantial damage to the IFPI Represented Companies every hour and day they remain available. In sending this notice we are providing you with specific knowledge of the unauthorised activity detailed above and are seeking to ensure that infringing content is removed from the internet as quickly as possible through your cooperation. However, please note that we do not admit that we or the IFPI Represented Companies are responsible for detecting infringing material and notifying you of it.

Our use of a notice in this form, as required by you, is meant to facilitate your removal of the infringing material listed above and we neither admit nor accept that you are a 'service provider' for the purposes of the United States’ Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), or any similar legislation in another jurisdiction, or that it is necessary to serve, or that you are entitled to be served, with such a notice. IFPI itself and on behalf of the IFPI Represented Companies expressly reserves all rights in this regard.

In addition, this notice does not constitute a waiver of any right to recover damages incurred by virtue of any unauthorised activities described in this notice, and such rights as well as claims for other relief under the laws of the United States or any applicable legislation in any other jurisdiction, are hereby expressly reserved.

You may contact me at IFPI Secretariat, 7 Air Street, London W1B 5AD, United Kingdom or email [email protected], to discuss this notice.

We await your response.

Yours faithfully

Melissa Morgia

Director of Content Protection & Enforcement

Lady Gaga Garden Of Eden Universal Music Group

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Oh wow 

So now we know that the title isn’t Dancin’ in the shadow of the moon in the night from the monster inside 

Edited by Prigari
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Just now, Siena said:

Which snippet was this from?? The “ I can be your girlfriend” one ??


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I could be your girlfriend paired with Garden of Eden sounds like she’s playing Eve chasing after Adam, I like it. :hor:

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3 minutes ago, Siena said:

Which snippet was this from?? The “ I can be your girlfriend” one ??

What? What is this?

The only TAG member who can read
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The only place where Garden of Eden is mentioned is the signature? That looks like a weird place to put the song title. It looks more like a subdivision of the label or whatever.

The only TAG member who can read
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Yeah, just look up "Garden of Eden Universal music group" and you'll see many videos from many artists copyrighted under this name.

The only TAG member who can read
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Plastic Flower

It's giving fake ARTPOP tracklist :air: but I'm here for it. Finally a piece of info.

Drop it
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Plastic Flower
2 minutes ago, Oriane said:

Yeah, just look up "Garden of Eden Universal music group" and you'll see many videos from many artists copyrighted under this name.

I'm confused. I'll I see are song titles.

Drop it
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