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Is LG7 a bit of a make or break for Gaga?

Mr S

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Robo Ga
14 hours ago, WhiteWitch said:

Gaga literally broke her hip because she overworked herself during BTW. I don’t think it’s reasonable for anyone to expect what Gaga did during BTW from anyone. She went so hard she couldn’t even finish that era. Same with ARTPOP. Gaga has clearly set boundaries for herself that should be respected. 

She can do a BTW level era while still respecting her boundaries and not overworking herself. It just takes proper management and scheduling. 

Also, BTW came off of her going non-stop from her rise to fame with no breaks 2007-2011 (and continued until she broke her hip.) She has taken substantial time off at this point and has management that clearly will not push her to do more than she is comfortable with. 

CBT is proof she is in a different, healthier space when it comes to touring. She spoke about this many times during the tour. 

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18 minutes ago, Robo Ga said:

She can do a BTW level era while still respecting her boundaries and not overworking herself. It just takes proper management and scheduling. 

Also, BTW came off of her going non-stop from her rise to fame with no breaks 2007-2011 (and continued until she broke her hip.) She has taken substantial time off at this point and has management that clearly will not push her to do more than she is comfortable with. 

CBT is proof she is in a different, healthier space when it comes to touring. She spoke about this many times during the tour. 

BTWB and CBT are extremely different scenarios in terms of scope and execution. Less dates, scaled back or simplified sets, etc. There is not such a thing as a BTW level era without the scope and scale that came with it. That’s many videos, massive tour, massive promotion. None of that could happen for Chromatica, but I also don’t buy the narrative that it would have been the biggest era yet. I mean the difference between a limited 15-show run and 98-show run could not be more vast. That different, healthier space itself is her narrowing her scope and exactly why I said what I did. I’m not saying she can’t or wouldn’t have an era that scale, just that we have a problem with hyping ourselves up massively and then conflating speculation with guarantees and it needs to be grounded in what Gaga wants for her career not fan expectations. It’s not something we should expect to see and it kills the joy of fan communities almost entirely what happens when our conspiracy boards don’t pan out. Ultimately the subjectivity of art itself means that fans will eb and flow and die hards will be die hards regardless. That hasn’t ever changed and we need to stop holding people to GOAT statuses and just enjoy the music. 

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One thing I'd like to add is that I think it's mostly down to her mindset at this point. This is a woman who seems quite happy to be in the background and act like a veteran in the industry, when in reality she is only three years older than Taylor, and that makes me wonder ... Why is she not on top of the world the way Taylor is? Why isn't she in that same bracket? While one could argue it's because her style doesn't appeal as much to the GP (a fair response), I think it always comes back around to the fact Gaga doesn't see herself like that anymore. She acts like she's 15 years their senior, a mentor to younger artists that aren't even that much younger than her. And it's the thing I 'hate' (for lack of a better word) about her. When she acted like the Super Bowl was her peak and nothing would ever come close to that, it was like she was saying her career had come to fruition and she'd never surpass herself. Why can't she have another Bad Romance? Why can't she have a Ray of Light comeback? She has already solidified herself as a legend, but her problem is that she (at least seems to have) decided she can't do anything more.

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Definitely not make or break LOL 

I mean maybe in the sense of having another "imperial phase", she's more poised to do something of that magnitude now rather than later.

But I think she can relax where she is ad infinitum, she's obviously in demand as an actress. Make up is selling. Pill checks cashed. Music on the horizon.

The fact is that a lot of ppl on this site should have turned in their stan cards years ago. I think she's really good at deciding when she does or doesn't want to be at the forefront of (pop) culture. Whereas a lot of fans just want her at the top all the time. I get it obv, I love her too, but we all got our own lives going on. She'll give me _____ when it's done and she's ready to share. 

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Lets hope the record label held her to gunpoint and will force her to do a btw style promo and worldwide domination:vegas:


Just kidding i want our girl to be comfortable:anveeroy:


Where's the spunk, Adam?
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Yo the comments on here toward Gaga’s entire career are so unfair. 

There is so much in-depth analysis (opinions) on Gaga’s career regarding LG7 as if she’s a complete and utter unknown to the world. 

The dismissiveness of her accomplishments, but also culture shifting influence is WILD. She’s literally about to be in a billion dollar movie franchise with a devout following, and we’re over here discussing this as if she’s about to release Applause. Want her to be experimental and blah blah, but then worry over numbers and relevancy. Pick one!

Clearly she’s evolved, so why don’t so many of you? 👀 

Edited by gemein3
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Delulu Rogers
20 hours ago, Stephen said:

I just think it's funny how some fans view her as someone who wants to be a Bey/Taylor in terms of pop music when I think she's made it very clear over several years now, that her career intentions are different. She has shaped an incredible lane for herself that no one else can claim. Too many fans view her acting or jazz as side projects when in reality these are pillars of her post-ARTPOP career. She's a different artist now. She's not going to suddenly jump back into being the "it girl" of the radio, hot 100, having hit and after hit after hit for 2 years or something. She's going to film another movie, she's going to continue singing Jazz, she'll have another Haus Labs campaign, and yes she'll have another album. But the expectation needs to be adjusted. Her being a multifaceted icon is actually what makes her more unique and interesting than Bey or Taylor. :shrug: This distinction should be viewed as a strength instead of a weakness that's somehow holding her back from chart dominance. She's doing what she wants, and it might not be what you want and that's okay.


Nobody is viewing her versatility as a weakness. This thread is specifically taking about the music side of things 

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Delulu Rogers
21 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm surprised so many of you are underestimating her. Why do you choose to be on this forum if you don't have the confidence in her abilities? I find it pretty sad how Gaga once had one of the most supportive fanbases and now we can't even be super hyped for her next album.

How is any of it surprising when there have been so many broken promises, empty words and missed opportunities for 10+ years? There’s only so much disappointment and waiting people will put up with before they start to doubt everything. I don’t think it’s sad at all. 

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salty like sodium
On 4/18/2024 at 8:20 PM, Mr S said:

Obviously ASIB was a cultural moment but was sort of lightning in a bottle and ROM was a nice sized hit, but realistically Gaga hasn't been at the forefront of pop music since the build up of the ARTPOP era. She has created a nice legacy and her career is in a good position in that she can do music, jazz, movies, concerts, makeup, and find success in it. But as a leading force in pop music, she has been an afterthought. And that's normal. Beyonce was too with those late 2010s projects and then came back with Renaissance. Madonna came back with ROL and then against with COADF. Whitney was probably in a similar situation as LG doing movies and other stuff but came back with MLIYL. I feel this era is important in bringing her back to relevance and the conversation of pop music as opposed to being just a legacy artist. Agree?

did you really call lemonade an afterthought? :huntyga: that era was serve on serve, the media was obsessed, so was the industry, mtv gave her a 15 minute long performance spot, when adele won aoty over her she was so embarrassed she broke her statue in two, the tour got rave reviews as did the album and film. the lion king and jay z album are a different story, those weren't really solo albums for her, but lemonade definitely was not an "afterthought".


i do agree Gaga hasn't really been very big since btw. she had a few moments since, especially with million reasons, shallow and rom (thx to ari mainly). but i don't think Gaga wants that kind of fame anymore, it seems she's happy just making $$$ from make-up and being successful enough that she can do whatever she wants without needing the kind of media frenzy taylor swift gets. remember during tf, tfm and btw, Gaga was actually probably bigger than taylor swift was during her last few album cycles (probably not anymore, taylor is now the most popular anyone has ever, ever been, that'spretty obvious) – but the amount of fame Gaga had back then was probably overwhelming for her imo.

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Delulu Rogers
1 hour ago, salty like sodium said:

but i don't think Gaga wants that kind of fame anymore, it seems she's happy just making $$$ from make-up and being successful enough that she can do whatever she wants without needing the kind of media frenzy taylor swift gets. remember during tf, tfm and btw, Gaga was actually probably bigger than taylor swift was during her last few album cycles (probably not anymore, taylor is now the most popular anyone has ever, ever been, that'spretty obvious) – but the amount of fame Gaga had back then was probably overwhelming for her imo.

She doesn't have to obtain that intense level of fame though. She can still pump out quality content more regularly while still keeping a distance. Literally all the fans want is a smooth era that's full of creative content that she's passionate about. 

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salty like sodium
4 minutes ago, Delulu Rogers said:

She doesn't have to obtain that intense level of fame though. She can still pump out quality content more regularly while still keeping a distance. Literally all the fans want is a smooth era that's full of creative content that she's passionate about. 

yes that's what my post was saying :huntyga:

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18 hours ago, Galagala said:

Stans will lmao this out of no reason for sure.


I think now I accept the fact that she's really not that talented as a songwriter. Great singer and a culture icon but her music production doesn't have the high quality as Taylor Swift's or Beyonce's usually deliver. Artists like the latter two keep reinventing themselves with better music while Gaga... obviously not at the same level for a long time. I don't like Taylor or Beyonce but I really admire their efforts in their own music. 

It's really sad to see her social media full of commercials/marketing/business stuff now, ,deliver like only 1 project(film or music) every 1-2 year, and talk with some over-the-top **** every time when she campaigns for a film. Money and awards... it's like these are the 2 biggest things she care now.

I will always love her and support her, but it's a bit frustrating to see her like this now.


The first part of this was INSANE and I thought to myself “oh they’re just talking huh” then i went into the second paragraph and yup…. A bias :ladyhaha:

Edited by Gaga2645
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From what we know so far, and the producers involved, I am confident that LG7 will be her most authentic and raw album, we just have to be patient and trust mother.

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For fans it might be, because people have been on edge for a while. I'm not sure the big hype is what Gaga wants either. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think her boyfriends have always rubbed off on her and Michael has a lot to do with what has changed about her (also concerning Nurtec etc). 

For the GP - I think we might overestimate what the GP knows about popgirls. My coworkers and friends assume Gaga just had a big hit with "that Wednesday song". I just started talking to a guy who claims he didn't know Bad Romance or Shallow. Locals are weird. 


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