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The most important LG7 question has not been asked

Maxine Puth

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Maxine Puth

Will it include a masturbation bop? :max: right now we’re at a 3/6 for solo albums with self enjoying smash hits, SHIC, Sexxx Dreams, and DIC. 

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Maxine Puth
12 minutes ago, TylerBR97 said:

4/6. Free Woman is a masturbation song. Look at the first verse closely :ally:

:max: uh no. If any Chromatica song is secretly about masturbation it’s Enigma. For example,

“I’m so blinded” common myth it leads to eye sight issues 

“can’t stop staring I’m so naked” she’s doing it nude

”we could be jokers” she’s watching Joker to prepare for her role

and she named her pop Vegas residency that, because masturbation is all about pleasing yourself even if no one else is enjoying it. 


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Maxine Puth
5 minutes ago, Maxine Puth said:

and she named her pop Vegas residency that, because masturbation is all about pleasing yourself even if no one else is enjoying it. 


Sorry enigma lovers it’s a joke I promise 


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1 hour ago, Maxine Puth said:

and she named her pop Vegas residency that, because masturbation is all about pleasing yourself even if no one else is enjoying it. 


Some of you on this website are so damn clever to come up with stuff like this, I could never! :ladyhaha:

Time. It will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on...
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