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A Tweet About Taylor Swift's TIME Person Of The Year Goes Viral


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I feel like that mysogynist dude feels like a strawman that the most ardent Swifties will cling to and ignore the actual valid criticisms about Time naming her Person of the Year (which is seems to be the M.O. with her.)

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:flutter: queen

TMBT 3.22.11 // TBTWB 1.17.13 // ArtRAVE 6.3.14 // C2CT 5.28.15 // TJWT 8.13.17 // Chromatica World Tour 9.8.22
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Wow people in here really seem to hate Taylor Swift.  This girls tweet was a pretty boring story but it’s probably relatable to the millions of teenage girl swifties who wish it had been them and are sissy’s glad to hear more examples of Taylor being nice and relatable.  If you think of the massive successes and records broken Taylor has achieved in so many areas, albums sales, movie sales and of course her record snashing billion dollar tour, and her cultural ubiquity, she makes so much sense as person of the year.  Even if you hate her, you couldn’t avoid her this year. No one else came close to her impact. 

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Roughhouse Dandy

Maybe the issue is that not everyone knows what *impact* means. 

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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3 hours ago, bionic said:

Prior to her Elton John had the highest grossing tour of all time. He was a phenomonen. He broke barriers, not just as an LGBT artist, but as an artist in general. Still never got Person of the Year.

Only a deluded fan could tweet an thesis justifying this

This is what annoys me the most about her and her fans :ladyhaha:

She stands for nothing that hasn't been stood for by others for decades and is now safe and normal to cheer for. The paths she walks are worn from the blood, sweat, and tears of artists that paved the way before her.

Literally the only things notable about her are the price tags and profit margins.

And yeah, Swifties have plenty of reason to celebrate and love their girl but they need to stop cheapening actual trailblazers and industry changers by comparing her to them 'cause it's tone deaf at best.

38 minutes ago, Tyler1992 said:

Monsters were obnoxious af. 

The superiority complex of our fav having a three album streak, 12 hit singles, the highest grossing debut tour made her seem absolutely untouchable- and monsters were going to let you know. 

“I love single Ladies! It’s such a cool video, I like Beyonce.. ”

”YEAH?! Well Lady Gaga is so much better than Beyonce.”

At least Gaga was actually original and stood for something before it became cool to :laughga:

How many other mainstream artists would put out an album addressing unfair immigration laws, LGBTQ+ rights, self acceptance, and inject controversy and intelligent analogies, wordplay, and metaphors into their work? Not to mention how visually far from the pack she stood.

Not pitting them against each other (god knows Taylor doesn't stand a chance in that contest anyway), just saying Monsters had/have a reason to be rabidly defensive and supportive of their chosen fave.

Swifties only have empty wallets :laughga:

🧡Should go home but the party wants me🧡
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Naak Le Vaar
6 hours ago, NATAH said:

well that was a whole lot of nothing

I stan Taylor and I agree. That tweet didn't explain why Taylor is so beloved. That tweet could've been about hundreds of other artists tbh.

Lmao they blocked my signature
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What kind of non-story is this tweet? The fact that she was in her music video makes Taylor worthy of the award? :bear:

The only TAG member who can read
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