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Joanne tour dvd leak

Pain of fame1

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11 minutes ago, Pain of fame1 said:

I think he was reliable since he leaked the full soundboard from austin. Did you save it? 

Wait they leaked the whole soundboard?

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Pain of fame1
21 minutes ago, Tinnitus15 said:

Wait they leaked the whole soundboard?

Yes. Someone made a thread here yesterday but got deleted fast.

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Pain of fame1
28 minutes ago, Adam Lucass said:

I don’t need to save it .

So you have it? 🤩

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Her best tour after Monster Ball!!

when you're lonely, I'll be lonely too / https://www.last.fm/user/SimonBaetens
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Sneaky Oliver
38 minutes ago, Pain of fame1 said:

Yes. Someone made a thread here yesterday but got deleted fast.

I don’t get why we can’t share it in here if Gaga is clearly not interested in releasing it commercially 

I mean there are many full-concert videos on YouTube already, it’s not like it’s something unseen or brand new 

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Sneaky Oliver
1 minute ago, SimonBaetens said:

Her best tour after Chromatica Ball!!


in fact I think JWT might be her best tour ever 

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11 minutes ago, Sneaky Oliver said:


in fact I think JWT might be her best tour ever 

Yeah, it's really strong. Creative but clean, great setlist, amazing stage, coherent visual storytelling. 

when you're lonely, I'll be lonely too / https://www.last.fm/user/SimonBaetens
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24 minutes ago, Gaga2645 said:

If anybody wants to (not) share the soundboard with me my PMs are (not) open 

Same :gum:

Can I vanish into a cheeseburger pizza?
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3 hours ago, Juanlittlem said:

I love that we all mention her whenever something like this happens :ladyhaha:

I love that you all mention me whenever something like this happens :party:


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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2 hours ago, IllusionLover said:

Yeah but what happened with that? I remember someone claimed to have a recording of it.

I bought the entire thing for us, after this whole community crowdfunded.

It was about 26 gigs or more if memory serves. The fans set about removing the track lines on the tape and I think Gaga Media Archives has it up fully mastered now. 

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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2 hours ago, InTheCloset said:


Why don't we wait till Christmas.... !

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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I hope it leaks. If she can’t release her tour dvds anymore, then just leak them so we get them. Im tired :toofunny:

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Ladle Ghoulash
1 hour ago, SimonBaetens said:

Her best tour after Monster Ball!!

Well, BTWB and CBT would like a word, but…

We have forgotten our public MANNERS
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pop a 911
31 minutes ago, ChicaSkas said:

Why don't we wait till Christmas.... !

A bunch of people came after me the last 2 years because I’d ask why we weren’t getting advent calendar things like before :madge:

i’m not real, i’m theatre
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