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My Music Will Be Out May 23rd!


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You read it right - May 23rd!
Which was a total surprise because I didn't even pick the release date, my distributor did!
Feeling lucky having it be the same release date as BTW's 12-year anniversary!

ANYWAYS - The album is called Renaissance.
And I thought of the name before I knew Beyonce's album was coming out.
This is a 16-track electronic work with elements of rock, classical, and jazz!
Divided into two parts: The first part shares what I find wrong with society and the second part is how one can be a leader in such times.
I like to look at as an "in case of an apocalypse" album dedicated to basically half the people my age I've ever seen.

What I do: I don't release singles from an album, I just release a whole work.
I also work in logic with their synths, produce & write my work, and I sing over it.
Others have been involved in my work as well (drumming, mixing & mastering, even a trumpet!)

Thank you for reading and follow my social media for updates!
The social media is located in my website here:
You're also welcome to check out my most popular work when you click on the "showcasing" button!

Thank you for reading! Enjoy the day and don't let GGD get. you down!

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