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1 hour ago, bionic said:

On top of that, then they have their hits. In general I think Madonna's 80s/90s work is stronger than Kylie's, but Kylie's 00s onward work is stronger than Madonna's.

I do find myself enjoying more of Madonna's older work than than her work post 2000, and I tend to think Kylie's discography post 2000 is much stronger. 

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Plastic Doll is miles better and less cringe than Sine from above

Dance in the shadow of the meow
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also every version of Babylon (haus labs) was not that great

Dance in the shadow of the meow
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10 minutes ago, brizoda said:

About Britney . . .

I will say nothing, because . . . 

page remains GIF

Marilyn Monroe is my best friend.
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- There is bad music in every decade, humans have always created just as much bad music as good music. Go back and listen to some of the stuff that were hits back in the day or if you are from that era, listen to it with modern ears and not your rose-tinted nostalgia ears (you'd be surprised how many advocates of old music being the best ironically haven't listened to it in years). Some stuff made in the 60's especially was some of the most twee and/or ludicrously bad stuff imaginable that would get laughed out the door if it were made today.

- The Beatles music really isn't amazing. At all. Clearly, they inspired so many, but those artists took what they did and created much better music. Rather than hailing them as the be all and end all of music, perhaps it would be better to use them as a reference point for what they started but are proof that whoever's the first to do something aren't always necessarily the best.

- Disco music is, for the most part, dull and soulless and ironically makes me NOT want to dance. Why it made a resurgence in 2014, I will never know. And on that point, Random Access Memories is awful with repetitive, soulless lyrics (seriously, one song just repeats "if we're doing it right, everybody will be dancing" in a robotic voice from beginning to end) yet it won the Grammy for AOTY. Just...why???

- Chromatica is Gaga's worst album (but still good, don't hate me) and feels like she's regressing back to her electronic beginnings when she's clearly so much more evolved and better now. A lot of her ballads are also better than a lot of her uptempo pop tunes.

- Most male artists just make the same album over and over again with very little growth unless they're an underground indie name. Even if they're good albums, you can't get away with the fact that they're all about the comfort zone and keeping their fans and the public happy.

- Adele, Beyonce and Taylor Swift have got to be the most overrated names in the industry, currently. Not to say they're untalented, but they aren't as amazing as they're made out to be (and yes, I've heard their entire discographies). We don't need to deify artists just because they've been in the industry a long time or are super successful.

- Professional music critics are, for the most part, a bunch of sheep who just follow a party line on how they should review an album with no individual thoughts of their own, with some even being bribed for positive press and therefore, should really not to be held in any great esteem. And to think, you need to go to university to study music to get a job in this sector!

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Werewolves Wanted
On 3/14/2023 at 1:11 PM, 2School4Cool said:

People overlook Ed Sheeran’s best work, he’s one of the most talented performers and songwriters of my lifetime. Generalizing him with Shape of You and Bad Habits is like generalizing Gaga with Just Dance, Ed’s music is some of the most heartfelt and personal in the industry. 

I really want to like him, but sometimes he seems a bit pretentious and self-congratulatory. Would you say that’s incorrect? Not trying to “test” you with a trick question, I’m genuinely curious if that’s just hater talk. 

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1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

- The Beatles music really isn't amazing. At all. Clearly, they inspired so many, but those artists took what they did and created much better music. Rather than hailing them as the be all and end all of music, perhaps it would be better to use them as a reference point for what they started but are proof that whoever's the first to do something aren't always necessarily the best.

Absolutely this! I remember a joke somewhere that when listening to The Beatles, you'll either get a good song or the dumbest s**t you've ever heard. I once tried sitting through their entire discography chronologically and I just couldn't do it. It'll be greatest hits and nothing else for me then lol

Incidentally I feel the same about Queen's music. I can't imagine anyone saying they have great bodies of work, as opposed to just having a phenomenal greatest hits list. I could not sit through their discography, and boy did I try.

The funny thing is I enjoy damn near everything ABBA has ever released. I love how theatrical they get sometimes. When they miss, they miss hard, but they rarely miss, to me. Which might be an unpopular opinion.

1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

- Adele, Beyonce and Taylor Swift have got to be the most overrated names in the industry, currently. Not to say they're untalented, but they aren't as amazing as they're made out to be (and yes, I've heard their entire discographies). We don't need to deify artists just because they've been in the industry a long time or are super successful.

I also agree to this completely, as someone who thoroughly enjoys the discographies of all three women. I would even say Taylor Swift and Adele have never not been safe options to stan even for the most conservative demographics, which I have a hunch really adds to their appeal globally.

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Werewolves Wanted

Maybe this is worthy of posting, not sure. But my only semi-controversial(?) opinion is that people are too caught up in what they think is bad or good in terms of artists and their art. It’s not necessarily bad to be opinionated about things, but man… to me it just gets old sometimes to read people trash an artist or an album purely because they just don’t care for that kind of music. At least be fair about it. And same goes for fans attacking other fans for not enjoying the artists work. I feel like most sh!t talkers would never have the moxie to speak about the work so horribly if they ever met the artist…

this was kind of a boring opinion. But I still felt the need to type it.  

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Born This Way era >>>> all the other eras combined. 

ARTPOP is a mess.

Taylor Swift’s stage presence and music is boring and uninteresting.

Jlo is one of the most overrated artists and performers. Her dancing is messy and she’s  half-dancing. (I give her props though for the live vocals at Dance Again Tour).

Born To Die + Paradise is the most interesting LDL album by miiiles.

Madonna has the same influence as Micheal Jackson in pop culture, but MJ is a much better songwriter and performer.

Madonna has a better discography than Gaga.

Kylie Minogue’s Confide In Me is better than any Gaga and Madonna song.

Madame X > Chromatica

1990 - 1993 Madonna is superior than any other era that happened in pop culture. 

When we're not together tell me everything's gonna be alright
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A lukewarm opinion: Gaga's vocals haven't necessarily improved. I think with the technique she used then, she really peaked at around 2015 and it's more or less plateaued to me. Still love her singing and I think the change was inevitable given time passing, bouts of chain smoking, and whatever is going on technique-wise that I'm not familiar with.

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12 minutes ago, dimitristhe said:

Madonna has the same influence as Micheal Jackson in pop culture, but MJ is a much better songwriter and performer.

My first thought was "no way lol" but actually...I think they influence different artists (males, females, queer, non-queer, white, and black artists) so their influence is hard to compare.

It'd be near impossible to find a male pop star these days who doesn't show influence or reference to MJ in some way just like it'd be incredibly difficult to find a female star that didn't channel Madonna in some way. Of course there are overlaps, like I see MJ's influence all over Gaga's work.

However, I feel MJ appeals to both black and white artists and audiences while Madonna hits white artists more. Black artists (like my fav, Lizzo, or Beyonce) seem to draw from other black artists like Whitney Houston and Janet Jackson.

And at the same time, Madonna definitely carries more power than MJ in regards to the LGBT community. Drag artists, genderqueer, sexually queer, and allied artists draw from her iconic image a lot more than they pull from MJ. In fact, it's usually a caricature when they reference MJ lol.

I could definitely be off here, I don't follow Madonna at all but I live and breathe MJ. It would be an interesting thing to study though.

Is this the part where I post Madonna's "...and so did/was I" tribute speech to MJ? :billie:

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32 minutes ago, Werewolves Wanted said:

I really want to like him, but sometimes he seems a bit pretentious and self-congratulatory. Would you say that’s incorrect? Not trying to “test” you with a trick question, I’m genuinely curious if that’s just hater talk. 

Honestly a lot of that is hater talk that is taken out of context. He’s been very open an honest about his goals and aspirations. It’s nothing arrogant, he just pours his heart into what he makes and wants it to connect with as many people as possible. People like to highlight small interview clips of him responding to people asking about his success and make it seem like he’s bragging, but then ignore the majority of the interview where he’s gracious, kind, compassionate, funny, humble, etc,

See The Best In Everyone
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