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Gaga's Gun Bra Sparks Outrage


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you really don't get it, do you? that is EXACTLY what's about to happen - not necessarily "Banning" per se, but certainly not tolerating or supporting.

Everyone right now is on hyper-sensitivity mode - and QUITE Understandably!! If you don't understand that then maybe you need to watch clips of the parents of the murdered kids who spoke out today - - these people are in RAW PAIN!!!!

T R Y to understand that there is more [MUCH] more to life right now than Gaga's costumes and what her little LM's want to see her wearing.

And BTW if Gaga fans are truly all about sensitivity and acceptance, then guess what kids - - - NOW is the time to show it ! !

In other words.......it's NOT all about LM's - - hello???

There is no correlation between the tragedies these people faced and Gaga or Madonna's usage of fake guns in their live performances. Banning their use in these stage productions is just superficial attempts at pretending to care about the issue without actually caring about it. People should use this hyper sensitivity you speak of to make an effort to change gun laws here in America rather than creating a fuss over Lady Gagas rifle bra.

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lol.. I'm guessing one of the Gaga haters took advantage of that tragedy and complained about that gaga's gun bra and then the media ate that up. :smh:

YESSSS exactly - and it was probably that friggin Sharon Osbourne ! ! Cause she's gotta be Luvvin' all this Gaga-hating - crazy limey Brit. I betcha that she's behind all this

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Dangerous Man

YESSSS exactly - and it was probably that friggin Sharon Osbourne ! ! Cause she's gotta be Luvvin' all this Gaga-hating - crazy limey Brit. I betcha that she's behind all this

I really can't at people who'll destroy other people just to get attention. Sharon Osb... who? lol. They need to shut up and focus on the more important problems of this world.

"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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I really can't at people who'll destroy other people just to get attention. Sharon Osb... who? lol. They need to shut up and focus on the more important problems of this world.

sharon cant touch gagas finger nails ! not in her dreams she couldnt destroy her:)
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I find this to be a bore of a "controversy" but since the media here in America insists on reporting on this all day as if its actually controversial I have to say if she were to have made the gun bra apart of her show AFTER the tragedies that occurred than there would be at least some ground for controversy or to call her an attention ***** for wearing it.....but its been apart of her show since the very beginning. It was apart of the Alejandro music video 3 years ago. It was on one of her covers for Rolling Stone! I mean....how is that of any relation to the tragedies? Why is this being reported as if its a distasteful "new" addition to her stage persona? The media here is forcing this on America as a controversy when its not.

That is pretty much what I thought when I read the article in the MX here. It's not like the gun bra is anything new and it's been in the show from the start, so why are they trying to make it into a new controversy? I think it's probably a sign of respect that she now is not using it, but to make out she was trying to create controversy is just bs.

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Dangerous Man

sharon cant touch gagas finger nails ! not in her dreams she couldnt destroy her:)


"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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for god's sake it's just for the show, it's all theatrics, she's not actually going to shoot someone in the head with them :duhga:

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Thank you. However, I have seen ZERO evidence of GE military influence on MSNBC programming.

Bob Costas was on NBC and made those remarks on what was supposed to be a bias free, politics free, gun debate free sports game.... of course he almost got fired.

Talk about rude. "Thank you"? I did not owe you that information as I already stated it in my first post (and did not have links handy due to my knowing it from a textbook a couple of years ago), nor is it normal to call someone "mentally handicapped" or claim they are lying about their effing field of study. Act like an adult, please. You were out of line and plain wrong in your assertion that I was talking about them having to be pro-gun all the time instead of the fact that they are unable to talk about gun control or legislation in-depth (not "Something needs to happen! These shootings are out of control!") and thus target films, games and mental health before ever mentioning the awfulness that is the Second Amendment. For example, that armed teacher you mentioned? They were questioned because they were in favor of LaPierre's bat**** crazy idea that people in schools should be armed, NOT because she had a gun. It'd be commercial suicide not to condemn it, even FOX (sort of) ridiculed the idea.

As for programming, I've seen much influence by GE Military in the past (especially on NBC but on MSNBC as well). I'm Belgian, though, so I'm actually studying these things and not watching MSNBC 24/7. From what I've seen in the past, they evaded gun control discussions all the time when mass shootings happened or made very vague statements at best. Non-prime time talk shows have more leeway when it comes to personal opinion - that's the case on every single channel - but I was talking about news reporting and subsequent a--lysis in prime time news, as I stated many times. I could argue with you about Costas and Schultz, but that'd be derailing this topic even further and it's definitely not worth it.

I expect an apology and if you're not willing to, it'd show a lot about your character.

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So Gaga has to remove her gun bra which only acts as an outfit but when Madonna actually kills its okay and unprohibited. :crossed:

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So Gaga has to remove her gun bra which only acts as an outfit but when Madonna actually kills its okay and unprohibited. :crossed:

Does she "kill" somebody as a part of the show? I don't know much about the MDNA tour, but if this is true, it's even more hypocritical of the media to target Gaga who is the one who gives a damn and removed all of them (but one, which was because it was essential to the storyline and the overall message) instead of talking about someone who's using guns in much more blatant and inflammatory ways. Not saying that the use of prop guns is bad, it's just...damn, it'd make this even more stupid if that could actually be possible.

Such double standards. If you care, you get attacked for everything. If you don't give a damn about anything, people don't even touch you. :blehga:

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