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Doesn’t everyone who sees it say it’s horrible?

when you're lonely, I'll be lonely too / https://www.last.fm/user/SimonBaetens
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11 minutes ago, SimonBaetens said:

Doesn’t everyone who sees it say it’s horrible?

clearly not :poot:

mother, what must i do?
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I liked it better than the first one. The long drawn out fight scenes with explosions and destruction were probably the only thing I would cut a little to make it more streamlined.

BUT. To be honest I could just sit and watch an imaginary documentary about how the N’avi live. 

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It was such a GREAT movie!  Can’t wait for the next 4 sequel movies to come out now…  :poot: 👍


Egypt. W
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So deserved. It was EPIC. It wasn't even just a movie, the VISUALS. 

I don't know how it would be in 2d, but the 3d experience was unreal.

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1 hour ago, SimonBaetens said:

Doesn’t everyone who sees it say it’s horrible?

It was alright! It depends what you're into! The story was okay, good but not incredible, but the visuals were obviously beautiful. 

I think if I have one criticism it's the pacing. They were clearly trying to force 4 hours worth of story into 3 hours. There were parts where I found myself thinking 'huh? When did these characters develop this kind of relationship?' or 'why would this person do that for that person, that hardly know each other' but it's because there were time lapses and they just didn't have the time to flesh out these relationships. So a few things felt kinda random

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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Does this mean people will stop the "no one cares about this pocahontas in space movie" narrative/bandwagon now, that was getting boring. Film was great.

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3 hours ago, Monstermilo said:

cool but only 45 mins of it was watcheable 

they legit spent 1 hr swimming and escaping the ship

That was the best part of the film.  Who hurt you?

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