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Lady Gaga vs. The Osbournes


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:lmao: So blah blah Osbourne is offended by some tweets and Gaga tells her that she has nothing else to do but critisize peoples looks on TV so she gets mad and her mom writes back to Gaga? Mommy to the rescue!

This whole situation deserves a


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Joe Matthews

:lmao: So blah blah Osbourne is offended by some tweets and Gaga tells her that she has nothing else to do but critisize peoples looks on TV so she gets mad and her mom writes back to Gaga? Mommy to the rescue!

She got told to die, suck dick, get raped and that she looks like she has aids. I'd get offended too if I were her. :shrug:

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She got told to die, suck dick, get raped and that she looks like she has aids. I'd get offended too if I were her. :shrug:

Why? It's just Twitter, if she's offended she'll block them and get on with her life. Just like her mom said this is part of life, so why does she take it seriously and keep talking about it?

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Pretty much comes down to.

Sharon: it's okay for other people to bully other people but bullying my daughter makes u a vile attention *****.


. Yep! :tea: I knew it would be a mess in the media.

Hopefully it all works out.

Lets go take a howl at that moon🌙 -Crowley
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Sharon Osborne is the biggest hypocrite and always has been.

Lets go take a howl at that moon🌙 -Crowley
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Joe Matthews

Why? It's just Twitter, if she's offended she'll block them and get on with her life. Just like her mom said this is part of life, so why does she take it seriously and keep talking about it?

Directly messaging someone over a social networking site is different from commenting on someone's outfit or looks on a satiric show about fashion. :shrug: I agree that Kelly could've taken the highroad and not say anything about it, but clearly she's seen all the precedents of this sort of behavior and decided to speak up, not only on behalf of herself, but also that of all the celebrities who get bashed by some Gaga fans on a daily basis.

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Sharon Osborne is the biggest hypocrite and always has been.

Maybe because the public sided more with Gaga, they weren't well-thought out, and they didn't help Kelly O's situation.

Oh we're still on that? Awesome. Truth is the Rihanna and Adele shade were open to interpretation and can be viewed both ways. Doesn't make what she said about Die Antwoord or NME right though.

Come on, Gaga is never the aggressor. Either people stretch or misinterpret some comment to find the worst possible spin (as with Rihanna, Adele) or she answers back to people who dissed her much worse.

Edited by craig
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At the end of the day I commented on this post last night and everyone basically said I was stupid for linking this letter to fur and surprise surprise Sharon also saw the connection. Fur is violence, I don't care if you say it isn't it is. Murdering often skinning alive innocent animals is violent especially when it is for noting more than a hat. All I'm saying is that Gaga shouldn't be throwing around the whole "Promoting violence" dig at Kelly. My point is that there are various forms of violence and if Gaga wants to be taken seriously on the issue she need to start with what she wears. Sharon obviously sees it that way too. I support Gaga in trying to tackle violence but as Sharon stated in the letter she may see what Kelly does as violent but Sharon sees what Gaga wears as violent. If an open letter had been wrote to Gaga about fur she wouldn't of liked it.

how on earth does wearnig fur promote violence is beyond me.its not like gaga has killed animals, fur will countinue to be worn despite gaga wears it or not. your argument here is totally invalid and than again ur judging gaga for what she wears even though its fur, ur just being judgmental towards her here even though it doesnt corelate to the topic in the slightest.
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Directly messaging someone over a social networking site is different from commenting on someone's outfit or looks on a satiric show about fashion. :shrug: I agree that Kelly could've taken the highroad and not say anything about it, but clearly she's seen all the precedents of this sort of behavior and decided to speak up, not only on behalf of herself, but also that of all the celebrities who get bashed by some Gaga fans on a daily basis.

She's a celebrity, she should know the consequences of being famous and be mature enough to avoid such comments. Gaga probably gets 10 times of what was tweeted to that girl every day, you don't see her whining about Madonna's or Justin Bieber's fans. No celebrity has ever said in public that this celebrities fans are bullying me, why? Because they have more important stuff to do.

She's just a spoiled girl, I still can't believe a celebrities mom ended up defending her, so pathetic. :lmao:

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She got told to die, suck dick, get raped and that she looks like she has aids. I'd get offended too if I were her. :shrug:

have u ever heard the quote "only listen to the ones u respect" honny if u give importance to some idiot on tweeter, or everything everybody says about u than its ur fault honny, if u dont give any importance of what some idiot said nothing of this would have happened. :yes:
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how on earth does wearnig fur promote violence is beyond me.its not like gaga has killed animals, fur will countinue to be worn despite gaga wears it or not. your argument here is totally invalid and than again ur judging gaga for what she wears even though its fur, ur just being judgmental towards her here even though it doesnt corelate to the topic in the slightest.

The fact that you don't see the link between fur and violence is laughable and makes me ignore every thing in your post. Please learn what violence is. Also, I love her why would I want to judge her I just don't like that she said that Kelly is promoting violence when Gaga does that everyday with fur.

I see animals and humans as the same, so yes I view fur as serious violence.

Edited by MDD
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While I don't believe you should always fight fire with fire as Sharon is doing with this letter, I do believe that a private communication between Kelly and Gaga would have been a smarter way to solve their differences. Now fans on both sides have ammo to hurl at the other side. It would have been a more mature move from both Kelly and Gaga to give the other a call or something..

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I just don't understand why Gaga felt the need to write a long open letter to Kelly.

She knows how much attention it get's, and it's so not worth it imo. Just ignore it or send the girl a text next time, why play it out like this? What Gaga is saying is very true, but I don't think it's very fair to openly judge Kelly like this, since she hasn't really done anything that bad.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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