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Lady Gaga vs. The Osbournes


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Madonna? But then she pretends she doesn't see all the shade.

But when Kelly Osbourne, someone that's not NEARLY as influential as Gaga is at the momment make a useless comment many have made before she does all this? The fact that she made this public was stupid. She could have talked to her privately. She could also have done better, she could've asked her fans on twitter to stop that, they wouldn't stop, we know that, but it would really tone down the situation.

She is NOT responsible for anyone, but if she can do something to help, why stand there with her arms crossed? If she wants so badly to influence them, there goes the perfect opportunity to talk about the non-hate message to MILLIONS, but no, let's make publicity out of this...

what r u talking girl kelly was the one that made this **** public :redface:
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This letter is so pathetic. She states so many things like they are fact and then only has 1 example to back it up with. :nails:

She also said that a large amount of Gaga fans tweeted to Kelly. What? Less than what? Maybe 1%?

Gaga made the letter open because the fans are involved in this too. And the fact that Sharon emailed Vince is so James Blunty. Vince prolly dont even care. If some Gaga fans don't care about being nice and are careless enough to leave 'libelous, slanderous and vile comments about my family, including death threats to Kelly' then Gaga shouldn't even care to correct them if the actual fan doesn't give a ****. They're not Gaga's concern.

I cannot even.

Do you want one percent of these little bastards tweeting you? I think not, stop sticking up for foul behavior in the name of Gaga.

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If Gaga ever says ''Little Monsters, go and threat Kelly and tell her what you think about her'' you can actually criticize Gaga. I don't know if you're familiarized with internet, but most of its users hide their faces and pathetic lives beneath disgusting vocabulary and vain curses. Go to YouTube and you'll see TONS of hate comments, and yet, you can't blame every single artist or actor because of their fan's childish reactions. The fact that you're talking about the Little Monsters as if they are the only idiotic people in the world is just ignorant. Gaga has thousands of fans, and she barely has the time to take care of herself, let alone to take care about what her fans do.

And you agreed with someone saying that she took too long to adress the Adele weight comments, yet, I don't see Rihanna, Katy, Britney, Madonna, Ke$ha, Adele or Nicki adressing all the hate Gaga receives from their fans. Not even one apology from them. Gaga actually bothered to apologize for something she can't control. All those fanbases mock about her weight, they mock about her image, they even mock about the kid that committed suicide. Why, then, is Gaga responsible of what her fans do?

I'm not even excusing this fanbase, which a lot of times is incredibly childish and nasty with their comments, but Gaga has NOTHING to do with that.

oh well the usual gaga ''fans'' who feel cool criticizing everything are already in:)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: both of these.

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It's gonna take POP STARS UNITED to dampen down stan wars.

Gaga did not create that culture. Why should she alone by the prim teacher who yells at her class for the misbehaviour of a minority?

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Idk, I mean both Gaga and Sharon Osbourne have valid points. Idk, I feel that originally, in her letter, Gaga should have addressed her fans more who have been bullying various people/saying nasty things. But, of course I'm gonna stand by Gags.

All Gaga did is deflect the issue to Kelly, she didn't address the real problem, the fans. Why didnt she just write an open letter to fans asking them to be nicer and stop with the bull**** instead of veiled insults at Kelly O. Being the most famous person in the world and basically calling out her character in public was humiliating for Kelly, I'm sure. Gaga wont bite the claws that feed her though, she ignores extreme bullying and death threats but calls Kelly out for a ****ing tv show.

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Born Brave

I mean.. Kelly does say attrocious things for a living... Gaga just makes music? Sure Gaga is a wildchild and controversial but so is Ozzy... Sharon shouldnt bark up the tree about the fur and meat dress... Ozzy has bitten a bats head off and pissed on people attending his show.. (literally)

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Yup :fan:


This is what I wrote.

She wears real fur, that McQueen coat IS real fur...its currently on sale for 22 thousand dollars, it was 30.

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"By your actions to Kelly right now, you have shown me that you are nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker."

She calls Gaga an attention seeker? SHE let MTV film her and her family 24 hours a day for a ****ing reality show. BYE

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Ms. Gaga,

[1] I am responding to your open letter to my daughter Kelly, and I am perplexed as to why you would go public with an open letter. Regarding this current situation; Kelly didn’t contact you, I was the one that contacted your manager today and the email is attached below for your reference. I reached out to him as Kelly’s manager and mother to ask him if you could address your “little monster†fans and stop them from writing libelous, slanderous and vile comments about my family, including death threats to Kelly. Your open letter is hypocritical and full of contradictions. And as your mother Cynthia supports you, I support my daughter Kelly. I must say your opinions on what is politically correct and acceptable totally differ from mine, but that is what makes the world so interesting…we are all different. How sweet that you have empathy for my daughter, as you feel that she has taken a less passionate path in life. [2] You say her work on E! with the Fashion Police is “rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another.†Welcome to the real world. Example, [3] when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. [4] When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn’t you be teaching your “little monster†fans to respect animals and life? [5] I don’t feel I have to justify Kelly’s choices in life to you. By your actions to Kelly right now, you have shown me that you are nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker. [6] You know it would have been much more dignified of you to do this privately. I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers [7] hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly in your open letter. Are you so desperate that you needed to make this public?

You state “Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers.†Well this obviously is not translating well to your fans, as a large portion of them have not only been vile to Kelly, [8] but also other celebrities such as Madonna, Adele and Rihanna. “You say a kinder, braver world†I don’t know what world you live in, but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver.†[9] It comes under the heading of bull****.

In closing, stop wearing fur, stop looking for publicity, and [10] stop using your fans to belittle not just Kelly but an endless stream of celebrities. [11] A word from you would stop all the hideous, negative and vile threats from your “little monsters.†Let me know if you want to continue this debate. I’m an open playing field for you my darling.


Sharon Osbourne

[1] Why can't Kelly respond herself

[2] Stating that hatred is rampant in the "real world" does not justify it

[3] Are the Osbourne's vegetarians, because if they're not, they stuff animal flesh into their faces everyday, and Gaga just decided to where it

[4] Fur is irrelevant to Kelly putting down the LM fanbase, Sharon has also worn fur before. Ozzy has also killed many animals - lots of them publically on stage (like biting the heads off bats)

[5] Sharon is pretty much saying, she can't justify Kelly's hateful behaviour, she cannot rebut here. This statement is unneccesary and sentimental for no reason. Furthermore, how can she call others an attention seeker when she let camera's into her family home for a reality show about all her family's pointless everyday quotidians

[6] Kelly made this public first by commenting about it in the press, at least Gaga is open and upfront about it instead of using the media as a intermediary for hatred

[7] Gaga has said many times that she wants her fans to behave, yet there are always deviants in any group, she can't control everything they do

[8] Are Rihanna and Madonna's fans just as vile to Gaga as well? Gaga also publicly told monsters to stop bullying Adele

[9] A failure to argue logically (as you have digressed many times and made a lot of unbacked rebuttals) leads Sharon to resort to expletives (quite typical of her family though). A similar situation is when Sharon resorted to violence when she was rebutted after furiously attacking a girl and stating that she doesn't deserve to live: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=cJV5voXX7L8

[10] Gaga has never asked or conscripted her fans to be hateful toward others

[11] Gaga can't control her fanbase, Sharon is ignorant to think a few words can change people

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Do you want one percent of these little bastards tweeting you? I think not, stop sticking up for foul behavior in the name of Gaga.

Who the **** cares tbh? Especially when your famous? Lol stop stanning for Sharon.

I think I found your website :fan:



Edited by Pyrenti
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She wears real fur, that McQueen coat IS real fur...its currently on sale for 22 thousand dollars, it was 30.

Shhhh :fan: :laughga:

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