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Steve Lacy smashes fan's camera on stage


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26 minutes ago, RudraCNG said:

Well, what was that fan thinking when throwing a f***ing camera to a person?

not really a reason to purposely destroy their property when it could be handed back to the audience imo

mother, what must i do?
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For a second I was like who tf is Stacey Lacy, but then I read Steve Lacy and I still don't know who tf he is.

Smashing a property of someone else, especially a fan, is unacceptable, even if they threw a camera, which looks like an accident, probably someone pushed them or raise the hand and hit the camera.. he could easily asked the security to escort this person out, there is a security for a reason not for a decoration.

His fart felt like a kiss
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Well thats not very nice is it, that person paid a ticket to see you so they obviously love you, some fans might be too over the top but doesn't mean u can destroy their property. Honestly id hate to be famous cus i understand being pissed off but in the context of a concert and not a festival or anything, the person paid to see you, now i could never imagine someone paying 200 or 150 to see me, listen u could throw ur underwear or a camera at me I could never be pissed at u, u clearly are obsessed with me and want my attention :bear: I feel some artists just don't understand how crazy it is, someone pays to see you like HELLO??? to see your art and hear ur voice, INSANE! Be grateful they even paying

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Mmmm the fact that he said don’t throw things, she threw it, he clearly didn’t want it, she got it back, and then handed it to him again lmao idk what she expected

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45 minutes ago, weed said:

Mmmm the fact that he said don’t throw things, she threw it, he clearly didn’t want it, she got it back, and then handed it to him again lmao idk what she expected

it was thrown and then he said don't throw things, took it off a fan and then smashed it

mother, what must i do?
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People need to stop throwing stuff on stage, I don't know why that's such a difficult concept to grasp.

Having said, that is no excuse for destroying someone's property.

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he came back out and gave a shitty response to try and explain his reaction lol bye

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steve who?

looks like another kanye in the making.

someone needs to stop this guy before he reach his full kanye evolution.

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Never heard of him until my bf told me he’s the guy that sings that tiktok song “bad habits” which I absolutely cannot stand so good for him or sorry that happened idk

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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Better use that Bad Habits money to get her a new one… this is absolutely not acceptable and y’all are so weird trynna justify it. Dude has some anger issues…

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