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Mar 11, 5:00 PM PT

Harry Styles debuts questionable acting in his new movie


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  On 8/24/2022 at 9:44 PM, Jase said:

What was he like in Dunkirk and Eternals? Never seen in him anything...but that clip is a bit yikes.


Eternals is a very tiny clip but i really enjoyed him in Dunkirk before i even liked his music :shrug:

mother, what must i do?
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  On 8/24/2022 at 7:18 PM, lasagna said:

ummmm im not sure we're the fanbase to laugh about ...interesting... accents in a movie :partysick:


pretty sure the only ppl bashing the HoG accent were twitter stan haters :partysick:

mother, what must i do?
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  On 8/24/2022 at 8:15 PM, Meat said:

This is exactly what always happens on this forum. Every conversation ends up with Gaga’s own “fans” bashing her for the most random things that she’s not even related to. And for the record, her acting is a million times better than practically every musician since Cher. And she has the acclaim and accolades to back it up.


not that deep tbh. i was pointing out that frankly its comical to see monsters making fun of harrys accent when our fav was in the same league accent wise.

i love gaga with all my heart but for me her accent in house of gucci was all over the place and im allowed to feel that way.

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  On 8/24/2022 at 9:56 PM, lasagna said:

not that deep tbh. i was pointing out that frankly its comical to see monsters making fun of harrys accent when our fav was in the same league accent wise.

i love gaga with all my heart but for me her accent in house of gucci was all over the place and im allowed to feel that way.



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  On 8/24/2022 at 8:53 PM, Benji said:

when did this become Harry Daily? :fthis:


I guess when some folks responded 20+ times in said thread. I think anyone with a fiber of common sense and self-awareness knows exactly why the people on this forum act the way they do towards other public figures. You don't have to be a mental health professional to understand that people throwing around buzzwords and shallow analysis like a gender studies flunk-out from Phoenix university might have some projection issues.

But please don't let that stop any of you from keeping the up the prattle. If the dopamine hit from hating on celebrities on a Gaga form gives you that good of a high, it's probably worth it in the long run, right?

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  On 8/24/2022 at 10:17 PM, thatboyisarobot said:

I guess when some folks responded 20+ times in said thread. I think anyone with a fiber of common sense and self-awareness knows exactly why the people on this forum act the way they do towards other public figures. You don't have to be a mental health professional to understand that people throwing around buzzwords and shallow analysis like a gender studies flunk-out from Phoenix university might have some projection issues.

But please don't let that stop any of you from keeping the up the prattle. If the dopamine hit from hating on celebrities on a Gaga form gives you that good of a high, it's probably worth it in the long run, right?


That’s one hell of an analysis from a couple of threads!

You said it best yourself; might have some projection issues :gaycat:

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Ppl are bored of him because he's overexposed, his thing got boring, and he's lost the novelty factor now. He needs a reinvention. Same thing did happen to Gaga around 2012-2013 but Gaga had incredible talent, some few good friends in the industry, and a consistent identity built around acceptance and uniqueness. Media will tear him up and he needs a good plan for the next couple years.

I am personally tired of him too. Harry seems to look up to the icons of the 70s with blurred approaches to gender and while that's a-ok, he cannot take the easy road at this day and age by playing the 2020's Mick Jagger and avoiding the discussion on his sexuality while profiting out of its publicity. Queer market has never been larger and there is a HUGE difference between thanking God and Gays at every award you win when Bush had just left the office and wearing nice colorful looks in 2022. I really cannot understand the people here on Gagadaily equating what Gaga had done and has been doing to what Harry is being criticized for. 

OT: His acting didn't really bother me but if he's supposed to play an American guy... He's going to have issues with this :bear: 

Oh and btw Gaga was the only saving grace in HoG and that movie had a full on A+ cast. The accents in the movie were a choice, I agree, and the blame falls with Scott. Gaga did what she could do. Please compare Harry with his peers, he's not on Gaga's level - as a musician, actor, or an icon. 

Is there some reason my LG7 isn't here? Has she died or something?
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Here's the clip since the one in the OP turned private.

I think the accent isn't the issue here. It's how unconvincing and teen drama-ish his facial expressions are. :oops:

And don't even bring Gaga's NYFCC Best Actress winning performance in HoG in this :dom:

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  On 8/25/2022 at 12:43 AM, palma said:

Please compare Harry with his peers, he's not on Gaga's level - as a musician, actor, or an icon. 


Madonna fans of Gaga in 2011

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  On 8/25/2022 at 1:43 AM, Adrenaliner said:

Madonna fans of Gaga in 2011


In 2011. And they were right (exc. for acting Gaga was better at that SNL skit they made) :sis:

Is there some reason my LG7 isn't here? Has she died or something?
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  On 8/24/2022 at 5:36 PM, Ivy said:

It seems fine to me? People are just against him rn


I agree. Let’s not jump to conclusions. There’s no context of the scene or any info on his character. I’m excited to see this movie! I think it actually looks really good even despite him being in it

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Not ya'll comparing this to Gaga in HOG when that was a completely over the top movie :billie: His acting is fine, it's just his British accent that makes it look like an snl skit for me.

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  On 8/24/2022 at 5:36 PM, RichAssPiss said:

It's his second movie ever and he's not a trained actor. Maybe it won't be good. But we've seen celebrities tank on screen before. Just skip it if it's not for you. 


And we have seen pop stars got shredded for their roles  on  screen  .It happened to Madonna,Beyoncé and many other pop stars who try to dabble acting.Hell ,even Cher got some ridicule for her early acting roles.

Celebrities tank on screen sometimes,even well seasoned actors tank on screen sometimes .And they will get criticism for that.So why should Harry be a exception?


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