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Mar 11, 5:00 PM PT

Harry Styles debuts questionable acting in his new movie


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Guillaume Hamon

Plenty of actors would do that and it would fly tbh...


  On 8/24/2022 at 5:36 PM, Ivy said:

It seems fine to me? People are just against him rn


He's everywhere and was nicknamed king of pop recently by a big publication, same happened to Gaga after she got huge and they started to call her the queen of pop, folks went tougher on her...

I swear each time they get placed on a pedestal they're knocked down. It's better to have a Rihanna music career when you're never super praised or made into a "royalty" or phenomenon so you can keep breaking records without people wanting your head.

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  On 8/24/2022 at 5:50 PM, AnnaNicoleSmith said:

is it just me but i cant see the video, the tweet doesnt embed


Account went private because of the backlash

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Acting isn't easy y'all, i think people think everyone can do it, it's an art, takes a genius to get to a Meryl Streep, Pacino level, takes dedication :partysick:

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It's giving


Like it's not bad, but I wasn't immersed. I agree with whomever said it was giving Gaga in HoG, and not all of us enjoyed that for a reason...

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  On 8/24/2022 at 5:38 PM, NATAH said:

this movie is getting nothing but negative press :messga:


Having a female director unfortunately stacked the odds against it. Add to it she’s dating Harry and his rabid fans think she’s some evil force in his life so they’ve taken it upon themselves to attack her AND the movie. The killer is literally coming from inside the house. 

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  On 8/24/2022 at 6:19 PM, HIM820 said:

Having a female director unfortunately stacked the odds against it. Add to it she’s dating Harry and his rabid fans think she’s some evil force in his life so they’ve taken it upon themselves to attack her AND the movie. The killer is literally coming from inside the house. 


i'm also hearing about how Florence hated working on it cus of unprofessional behaviour and refuses to do press for the movie :messga:

mother, what must i do?
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  On 8/24/2022 at 6:21 PM, NATAH said:

i'm also hearing about how Florence hated working on it cus of unprofessional behaviour and refuses to do press for the movie :messga:


See I heard that was made up by his fans and they’ve been repeating it nonstop since. Florence has just recently said she did not like the medias initial response to the first trailer and how they focused on nothing else but her receiving fellatio. I think that explained her silence since it’s release. I highly doubt she would miss Venice for the premiere but we shall see…

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i absolutely adore and stan harry, but his acting is about to get panned me thinks. but he’ll be fine. acting didn’t work out for beyonce or madonna and they’re fine

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It’s not great, but it’s not the end of the world. 

I think what makes it meh is that you can almost see him ‘trying’ to act, hard to explain but I think that’s all it is. 

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