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Mar 12, 1:00 PM PT

Zara Larsson says Beyonce has no competition, no peers,no one is even close


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The power of huge writing camps, samples, and repeating the same dance moves and “goddess” imagery for years. :applause:

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Roughhouse Dandy
  On 8/1/2022 at 10:46 PM, Regina George said:

Name 5 in comparison with Britney’s school girl outfit, oops red outfit, madonna kiss, slave VMAS performance and Britney’s “it’s Britney bitch” phrase that are just as well known and recognised?


Imo of course:

-Coven look from Formation inspired even our own 1st Lady to dress up

- Beychella

- Single Ladies Dance

- "I woke up like this... FLAWLESS"

- "Who run the world? GIRLS"

lee daniels checkmate GIF by STAR

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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Jose P
  On 8/1/2022 at 10:46 PM, Regina George said:

Name 5 in comparison with Britney’s school girl outfit, oops red outfit, madonna kiss, slave VMAS performance and Britney’s “it’s Britney bitch” phrase that are just as well known and recognised?


Singles Ladies choreo and video, Crazy In Love choreo and video, her self titled album being a surprise release and being one of the catalysts for moving music release day to a Friday, Formation, literally the whole Lemonade rollout and movie was a huge deal when it happened. Freaking Beychella, like I mean… Beyoncé has had a lot of huge pop culture moments, like I’m honestly flabbergasted at anyone even doubting such a thing, it’s giving delusion

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  On 8/1/2022 at 8:38 PM, WheresMy911Alice said:

The delusion here. Watch Beyonce perform, then literally ANY other artist. Her stage presence is unmatched by any performer alive, that's just facts. I'm a fan of Madonna, Britney, Gaga, etc, but when it's comes to performing, B is on top, period.


Yeah her only company historically would be Janet Jackson and Tina Turner tbh

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  On 8/1/2022 at 11:04 PM, ThisGuyTony said:

The power of huge writing camps, samples, and repeating the same dance moves and “goddess” imagery for years. :applause:


I mean if it looks good…


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  On 8/1/2022 at 8:25 PM, Frank Potion said:

Yes she is. And she also peaked about 20 years ago. Whereas Beyoncé has been active for 30 years straight and peaks with every new album. 


She did not peak with lemonade , carters, or the gift  or 4 ,And arguably this album (we shall see it’s longevity.) but she has tremendous staying power considering her new music is charting and has been doing well. 

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  On 8/1/2022 at 8:19 PM, Jester said:

As long as people are saying such nonsense, it’s completely fine to say Beyonce is overrated imo



I’ve been saying Beyoncé is overrated for years and I keep on getting dragged on here when I say it :bear:

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Not the gays in here running circles crying because Beyoncé has been that girl for 25 years. She serves high quality consistently be it with music, visuals, live performances, and tours. Literally nobody comes close in today’s music landscape. 

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Regina George
  On 8/1/2022 at 11:05 PM, Roughhouse Dandy said:

Imo of course:

-Coven look from Partition inspired even our own 1st Lady to dress up

- Beychella

- Single Ladies Dance

- "I woke up like this... FLAWLESS"

- "Who run the world? GIRLS"

lee daniels checkmate GIF by STAR



  On 8/1/2022 at 11:06 PM, Jose P said:

Singles Ladies choreo and video, Crazy In Love choreo and video, her self titled album being a surprise release and being one of the catalysts for moving music release day to a Friday, Formation, literally the whole Lemonade rollout and movie was a huge deal when it happened. Freaking Beychella, like I mean… Beyoncé has had a lot of huge pop culture moments, like I’m honestly flabbergasted at anyone even doubting such a thing, it’s giving delusion


I don’t want to be rude but I honestly don’t think most of what y’all wrote can even come close to those that I mentioned when it comes to recognition and impact BUT I will say that I somehow agree with Single Ladies coreo and her BEYONCE album drop. 

Also notice how I did not call you two delusional? That’s how you have a proper discussion without hurting someone’s feelings and being rude.

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  On 8/1/2022 at 10:27 PM, Roughhouse Dandy said:

Maybe it's because they know what it takes to put on the productions she does and sees her executing them well. It's just a popular opinion; I highly doubt random celebs are getting paid to praise Beyoncé. 

"Gaga ooh-la-la"

"Gaga in the room, so starstrukk"

"Gaga, ah-oo-ah" (Bloody Mary)"

It happens. It's just a thing. 

It impresses a lot of us. That's why you're seeing so much praise. It's the popular opinion at the moment. No need to get irate, Legend. It's fun dance music. We're supposed to be having fun. 

Most of the Beyoncé praise is happening on a Beyoncé thread where it's kinda the whole topic. And everyone's opinion is valid but when someone hops on a thread obviously meant to praise an artist to bash them or can them overrated, it's obviously gonna cause some friction. And many of the "educate yourself" comments are in response to comments like "Renaissance is bad bc its self indulgent and cocky" are because the whole subgenre that the album is literally designed to be self indulgent and self hyping. That's ballroom. It's dramatic, campy showboating. 


There have been like 10 articles about Gaga's tour being a 5-star event. The album she's touring dropped in 2020. Renaissance was released just now. That's why she's also in the spotlight. 

We do the same thing by constantly talking about how perfect Born This Way and its tour we're even though it was like a decade ago. Beyoncé fans talk about Homecoming so much because there's literally nothing like it. That's their BTWB. 

I'm not picking apart your comment to attack you, I promise, queen. I'm using yours because it's the most comprehensive critique I've seen on here so far that raises many different points. I've also noticed that you're pretty bothered by this, and I want to see you enjoy yourself on here. It's completely fine to not like Beyoncé or her new album. I hope you're able to focus on the things you enjoy on here and not let the praise of another artist get you down. Quoth ARTPOP: "stop the drama, start the music"! We have a whole Chromatica Ball to be excited about 💜💜💜


Gaga didn't write those songs for empowerment. So, there's that.

If it's on Beyonce's designated fan section, fair enough, but they're general threads on general entertainment sections, therefore, they're open to different opinions and such a thing should be accepted and shouldn't be treated weird or something to be laughed at or picked at. And naturally, an album in the ballroom genre will not appeal to everyone as it's such a niche subculture. Even if you get it, it's not for you. It was a risky move, so you can't be surprised when it doesn't appeal to everyone. It doesn't matter how much you're educated on something, art's subjective nature makes it so that none of this matters if you don't like it.

Of course Gaga's tour is being reviewed, which is what happens when you tour. But she's not getting articles written independently of reviews where she's being hailed as the best performer. Unlike Beyonce, who gets articles written about her ad nauseum even when she's MIA. Reeks of PR paying for praise periodically to keep her name out there and keep the untouchable goddess image going.

We don't constantly bring up BTWB. We keep up to date with our favourite things. And Beyonce fan's BTW moment was her previous 2 albums, I don't know how many "BTWB" moments they need. They freak out like this every time she releases something new. And I have news for you, the average member of the public doesn't know or care about Beyonce's Coachella performance. It's nowhere near as iconic as you may think. If you're not a frequent consumer of pop culture, you won't know it.

There's no need to be concerned. I've been posting critiques about music for the last decade and I'm just very passionate about it, whether it's good or bad. I'm not a big fan of "only post opinions if they're positive." Critical feedback is the only way we can improve and get a more realistic depiction of what the consensus is about the album. Endless streams of 5 star reviews don't really help anyone.

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  On 8/1/2022 at 11:07 PM, Ziggy said:

Yeah her only company historically would be Janet Jackson and Tina Turner tbh


What about queen Paula

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  On 8/1/2022 at 11:45 PM, LateToCult said:

Not the gays in here running circles crying because Beyoncé has been that girl for 25 years. She serves high quality consistently be it with music, visuals, live performances, and tours. Literally nobody comes close in today’s music landscape. 


"The gays" lmao it's just stans getting pressed that's she's getting more praise than their icons ever will. It's far more common for The Gays™ to worship her than be a denier.

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  On 8/2/2022 at 12:01 AM, WheresMy911Alice said:

What about queen Paula

mc skat kat 90s GIF


Awww, leave Paula alone. She works her åss off, Jeff. She hasn't been the same since that airplane crash that didn't happen in 1992

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  On 8/1/2022 at 11:50 PM, Regina George said:


I don’t want to be rude but I honestly don’t think most of what y’all wrote can even come close to those that I mentioned when it comes to recognition and impact BUT I will say that I somehow agree with Single Ladies coreo and her BEYONCE album drop. 


i'm sorry but the first few seconds of Crazy In Love are so recognisable and iconic that even deaf people know what it is :messga:

the same way everybody knows Toxic right from the start

mother, what must i do?
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