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mother! - appreciation thread


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Magic Mike

it is funny. I went to see this movie at the Odeon cinema in Leicester Square with my best friend. at one point I was squirming in embarrassment because he was panting in rage until the movie was over. later, he confessed that it was the worst movie he had ever seen. and I agreed that it was absolutely terrible. then, over the next few days, I discussed the film with my colleagues at the Prince Charles, an independent cinema near Soho. I was surprised by the love of a friend I worked with, she couldn't get enough of seeing symbology and meaning.

after a few years, and even without having seen this film again, I admit that never has a film stayed with me so much. I often think about it. why? I don't even know why. I know that never before has a movie made me so uncomfortable with the idea of  home invasion. and what is most funny and mind-boggling is the "zapping" aspect of all the events - it really seems that we are seeing the chaos of the world succeeding itself before our eyes like an Instagram feed, like a television zapping...

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7 minutes ago, Magic Mike said:

I know that never before has a movie made me so uncomfortable with the idea of  home invasion. and what is most funny and mind-boggling is the "zapping" aspect of all the events - it really seems that we are seeing the chaos of the world succeeding itself before our eyes like an Instagram feed, like a television zapping...

Makes me think a lot about the annoying, ignorant human behavior, and how it angers me so much. In a nutshell: Jennifer Lawrence is Mother Nature, and her home (Planet Earth) is being invaded by humans, entitled to everything in it- and destroying it. Then there's the religion, God symbolism and the worship of the Man...

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I remember being extremely excited to see this film back when it came out. Black Swan is one of my favorite films of all time, and I couldn't wait to see Aronofsky go back to the thriller genre. It's definitely puzzling if you don't have the right keys to analyze it - that's why I think it might be much more enjoyable with a second viewing. It certainly was an experience, and I don't think there's any other movie that looks quite like it. The visuals accompanying the film were also top-notch.


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I saw it in theaters opening night and was very confused as it was advertised as a horror movie. After the initial disappointment, I watched it a few times more and have come to appreciate it. But definitely not something for casual viewing. Lots of plot holes and pointless scenes. But still a great message.

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It's def a movie you need to watch a few times, like the new Suspiria remake. I can see how it comes off as pretentious the first time, but afterwards you can dissect and appreciate how much effort was put into it, story and stylistically. A lot of people were upset about the baby sacrifice, but who cares...it's a movie.

GAMS, gay popstar
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It was too annoying the first time for me to want to invest another 2 hours for a second viewing. Not that I found it bad, I picked up on the symbolism and it was interesting - just not great enough for me to watch again. Jen's character could've been way more dynamic.

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I think this is the only movie where I let out a literal *GASP* out loud in the theater. (the baby scene) 

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Darren Aronosky is my favorite director, and Black Swan is my favorite movie of all time. I usually love his movies, and Mother! made me feel what I felt with Black Swan, really playing with my guts.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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To me one of the most beautiful movie. It is pure art. Just pure art in the form of a film. It stays with you and I only watched it once, I think about it from time to time cause it’s just incredible

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Any one have a full on like anxiety attack as the movie progressed? Cause I went to see this in theaters with a friend and we both left after feeling like we went through it.m! It was such a great film to dissect and discuss after!

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Mother of Puppies

The first time I watched it it had left me .... thinking and a bit anxious... I was so full of thoughts and agitated. I also didn't get all the metaphors and did some reading afterwards...

then when I watched it for the 2nd time I thought it was genius tbh.


Jennifers acting in this is spectacular! So raw and real! The movie wouldn't be the same without her! I really don't understand how she wasn't nominated for an Oscar for this and why she got this award for bad acting?! Like wtf her acting was top notch!


I know many people who hated the movie so it's nice to see some people who appreciate it... (and yeah, the baby scene was really disgusting but what can I say... human kind can be disgusting too)

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