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Billie Eilish is incredibly embarrassed and ashamed about her past


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Billie Eilish has spoken out about the effects of social media on her life and the way it rehashes things she is ‘incredibly embarrassed and ashamed’ about. 

Billie told Vogue Australia ‘It’s really weird how the world can see every aspect of your life and reminisce about [it]. It’s so weird.

The internet brings up things from everybody’s past and I’m like: “Don’t you guys understand that everybody is incredibly embarrassed and ashamed about their past? Like, do you not think about the fact that maybe you’re embarrassed of your past, so maybe everybody else is embarrassed, too?”’


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Sheesh, people really bully her for what she said when she was 15? Okey, will we bully people for what they said when they were 12 next? 

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I think it's fair to blast people for their past actions but you also have to allow them to grow from it when they're clearly trying to.

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Keep working on unlearning your bad tendencies instead of complaining about the backlash from things you said, consciously knowing they are hateful things. 

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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Dr Fudge

Absolutely agree with Billie. People act like one can’t be remorseful of their past or change/grow. We’ve ALL done embarrassing and/or regretful things as we take on life. 

Been a cuff touple, a puff bupple, a tough couple of years.
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Although I think its great of her to reflect on how she behaved as a teenager, people need to stop bullying her for what she did or said.

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8 minutes ago, good said:

Keep working on unlearning your bad tendencies instead of complaining about the backlash from things you said, consciously knowing they are hateful things. 

Or maybe do both? People were trashing her for things she did years ago, then she apologized for them and they still trashed her because they decided she's not being sincere. She has every right to call them out for their hateful behavior. She clearly said she's embarrassed by what happened, meaning that she's aware it was wrong and that she knows better know. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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4 minutes ago, good said:

Keep working on unlearning your bad tendencies instead of complaining about the backlash from things you said, consciously knowing they are hateful things. 

Would you be comfortable being publicly bullied for every little misstep you've made since you were a literal child? A literal child? Plus that is dishonest, how did she "consciously" mean to be hateful when she said she had never heard that word before aside from that song? As a child did you research the history of every word in every song you sang along to? Before this controversy I had never heard this word either.

chaeri pls
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1 minute ago, alsemanche said:

Or maybe do both? People were trashing her for things she did years ago, then she apologized for them and they still trashed her because they decided she's not being sincere. She has every right to call them out for their hateful behavior.

I understand what you mean. I just think it convolutes the process of repairing your image when you keep making statements about the backlash being too much. It’s inevitable. She can simply not look at comments, it is easy.

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The problem with cancel culture is that you’re willing to blast someone for their past mistakes but you’re never willing to let them grow from those past mistakes either. You are essentially never forgiven for your past actions, regardless of the specific circumstances, or how much you’ve apologised, atoned, regretted and attempted to rectify those issues. 

This is even worse because she was literally a child when she said those things, LITERALLY did not know any better.

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I hate this woke culture. It's good to raise awareness, but I condemn this public lashings about things you've said in the past that may hurtful. It doesn't represent the person you're today. Plus she's only 19 years old! Wtf does she know about life anyway?

I wonder what mistakes the people who have been crucifying her lately have made themselves in private. 


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3 minutes ago, good said:

I understand what you mean. I just think it convolutes the process of repairing your image when you keep making statements about the backlash being too much. It’s inevitable. She can simply not look at comments, it is easy.

No it really isn't easy when her every post is spammed with them, when people are tagging her in them, and when it's literally everywhere. The woman is NINETEEN and she's being bullied like there's no tomorrow. Imagine someone keeps screaming that you're a racist at you. 

Also telling people who are being trashed and bullied to stay silent and not speak up is not cute and sets a very bad example. She's a role model and an icon for many teenagers after all. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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she's a kid, a literal kid. u can point things out but then u need to allow the person to apologize and then move on, it's not good for their mental health

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15 minutes ago, Trixie Mattel said:

The problem with cancel culture is that you’re willing to blast someone for their past mistakes but you’re never willing to let them grow from those past mistakes either. You are essentially never forgiven for your past actions, regardless of the specific circumstances, or how much you’ve apologised, atoned, regretted and attempted to rectify those issues. 

This is even worse because she was literally a child when she said those things, LITERALLY did not know any better.

people think the only way for them to atone is to give up their careers completely, it seems. 

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19 minutes ago, Trixie Mattel said:

The problem with cancel culture is that you’re willing to blast someone for their past mistakes but you’re never willing to let them grow from those past mistakes either. You are essentially never forgiven for your past actions, regardless of the specific circumstances, or how much you’ve apologised, atoned, regretted and attempted to rectify those issues. 

This is even worse because she was literally a child when she said those things, LITERALLY did not know any better.


19 minutes ago, flyaway said:

I hate this woke culture. It's good to raise awareness, but I condemn this public lashings about things you've said in the past that may hurtful. It doesn't represent the person you're today. Plus she's only 19 years old! Wtf does she know about life anyway?

I wonder what mistakes the people who have been crucifying her lately have made themselves in private. 


All of this. Stop "cancelling" people and let everyone live their lives, grow from their past, and the genuinely bad people will remain bad.

Go outside. Plant some plants. Read a book. Do something OFFLINE :yennefer:

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