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Drag Race Italy coming in November

BUtterfield 8

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A drag race spin off and messy production choices?

I don’t think. 

stream ritacadabra
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48 minutes ago, BUtterfield 8 said:

The show is already a mess because of the male judge Zorzi



Me reading this while wearing a trixie and katya facemask: :messga::messga::messga:

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Guys, beside what the OP said (I HATE Tommaso Zorzi, literally a white, male, rich privileged who think he's better than anyone), I'm reading that the drag queen Priscilla is very problematic too. She said "I'm not a drag queen, I'm a performer" and other ****.

Literally the worst panel ever? We asked, BEGGED, for the italian version of Drag Race for years and they give us this? 

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46 minutes ago, PussPuss said:

Obviously :bear:

sorry I had to say that, after all....

3 minutes ago, Levine said:

Guys, beside what the OP said (I HATE Tommaso Zorzi, literally a white, male, rich privileged who think he's better than anyone), I'm reading that the drag queen Priscilla is very problematic too. She said "I'm not a drag queen, I'm a performer" and other ****.

Literally the worst panel ever? We asked, BEGGED, for the italian version of Drag Race for years and they give us this? 

Priscilla is the biggest italian drag queen tho, she is literally Mediterranean famous. Didn't know about her bs about drag/performance lol

Генерал Марина Абрамовић
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Nnn not this season coming for Down Under’s gig as the worst season already. :bear:


Also, off topic but apparently blackface and other racist things are very common in Italian TV and in other European countries according to that Reddit thread??? That’s why it’s always so surprising to me when I see posts from Europeans dragging America for being racist (which it is) but then having this holier than you attitude about it like they’re not just as bad. :bear:

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Sorry, but the make up of the drag judge seems very messy to me.


1 hour ago, Levine said:

I'm reading that the drag queen Priscilla is very problematic too. She said "I'm not a drag queen, I'm a performer" and other ****

What's the problem of being a performer? Every drag is a performer, but not every performer is a drag. I mean, this is a drag competition, there should be a drag judging it, but a person can define their art the way they prefer.


Let's hope we'll get at least good outfits from the show since it's Italy.


I am not surprised with Italy being messy at all, since the mysoginy in Big Brother... Italy society is very hypocritical, they act very conservative because Vaticano is there, but Brazil's main export to Italy are transgender sex workers. Vatican priests love orgies with our girls... Berlusconi mess. It' like european version of Brazil. So many sex scandals...

I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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reading all the comments about Italy...it's gonna be a loooong year of shame

Генерал Марина Абрамовић
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I wanna learn Italian so this is gonna be perfect :vegas:

I know there’s like a dialect difference and from what I’ve been learning I think southern feels easier bc I can speak a bit of Spanish and it’s rhythm and such feels kinda similar when compared to northern. 

I might be wrong tho :bear: don’t take my word for it 

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Not this season already being a whole ass mess before any of the queens are even revealed :air:

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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The contestants training for the show


Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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BUtterfield 8
5 minutes ago, Jill said:

The contestants training for the show


It took me a minute to understand this I thought this meant loosening your h**e

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Immanuel Casto could have been the perfect choice, he's not only an unapologetically gay artist but he's also super intelligent (he is a member of Mensa). He is very famous for songs like An@l Beat, 50 Bocca, 100 Amore (50 Mouth, 100 Love), Escort 25, Tropican@l, Deepthro@t Revolution, Who Is Afraid of Gender and so on and so forth.


Генерал Марина Абрамовић
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