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Sharon O. accused of racist & homophobic language


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Wholly inappropriate comments. Fire her! Deport her! End her career! :vegas:

buy bionic
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Wow that is extreme. Did. NOT. See. This. Coming. 

I have heard that she wasn't kind in the past, to certain metal bands that she'd have to deal with in record labels and OzzFest, but nothing like this stuff. Tragic and ugly. No wonder she shut down fast and shut down the show, she knew this information was coming soon after. I did wonder when she got her stint on The Talk, when she decided to become this new posh and prim English Rose of new. lol

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Guillaume Hamon

Remember when she tried to blame Gaga for the comments some lil monsters made about her daughter Kelly? She blamed Gaga for bullying she had no control on while being a bully herself...

Also she tried to cut the sound of a band during a live show, she's just nasty... GAGA CURSE IT'S TIME TO STRIKE ! :stalkga:

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jacs vs looser

Remember when she forced one of her employees into her burning house to save artwork, just to fire him right after? Fun times. 

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Hahaha we all know she went on the offense on the talk and got aggravated because she knew she was guilty af. Fire her and deport her now! She's nasty!:bye:

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Chromatica Island

Thats sad, I'm a fan of Ozzy and this is disappointing

Any/All Pronouns, Genderfluid🏳‍⚧
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Chromatica Island
11 minutes ago, JK Rowling said:

What’s a fish eater? 

Derogatory term for lesbian and bi women

Any/All Pronouns, Genderfluid🏳‍⚧
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Not Sara Gilbert :noparty: leave her alone bitch :messga:

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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