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Jennifer Lopez claps back at people accusing her of having Botox


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Guest WhoDoWeHaveHere
6 hours ago, Anderson123 said:

Lol I'll never understand people's obsession with that. If she was doing botox then why does it bother you ? Don't get it yourself if you don't want to, you have the choice to not get it.

Completely agree with the sentiment … but if it is about a star trying to sell a beauty and skin care line telling everyone the skin is flawless because of the products but in reality it is botox then it is a problem. sort of like false advertising. but in this case I honestly believe her. But if nicole kidman would try selling me a cream and saying it is what keeps her wrinkle free i'd be veeeeery suspicious 

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6 hours ago, Bebe said:

She is 51... She doesn't look like what 51 year olds look like. She keeps herself in incredible physical shape and takes good care of herself but there is no broke 51 year old, even one with a good diet, great workout regime and skincare routine, that is looking like Jennifer Lopez.

Nothing wrong with botox, and I understand J-Lo is from a generation of female stars that are more secretive over these things, I don't like that it's a taboo for women of J-Lo's generation and I also don't like that this denial is only going to make certain women feel bad about not looking like this at 51.


JLO Beauty isn't THAT good.

The bad picture has already been debuked a million times , it is a filter 

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Guillaume Hamon

When she says she had no surgery she means no surgery against aging? Cause she had her face done even if I don't think she ever admitted it.

Botox or not she obviously has the best skincares as all stars do so saying it's her own line that keeps her young is false advertising. Dishonest of her lol.

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7 hours ago, Bebe said:

She is 51... She doesn't look like what 51 year olds look like. She keeps herself in incredible physical shape and takes good care of herself but there is no broke 51 year old, even one with a good diet, great workout regime and skincare routine, that is looking like Jennifer Lopez.

Nothing wrong with botox, and I understand J-Lo is from a generation of female stars that are more secretive over these things, I don't like that it's a taboo for women of J-Lo's generation and I also don't like that this denial is only going to make certain women feel bad about not looking like this at 51.


JLO Beauty isn't THAT good.

Some people naturally look younger... My mom has easily looked 10 years younger than her age for years, it helps that she's also skinny, I'm sure she looked as good when she was around 50.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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11 hours ago, FameHookah said:

Bad angles + the flash tho, she has a normal skin for her age, she eats well and exercices, she also can fully frown and lift her eyebrows unlike gaga in ASIB (watching her crying was painfull)

She may have had other treatments but botox aint it.

Yes! There was something off with Gaga's eyebrows in ASIB, i remember some of the close ups and thinking she looked a little crazy! Like her forehead looked weird and then i realized it was the eyebrows! Super lifted and not naturally arched, no movement. Was that actually botox then?

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15 hours ago, Riley said:

It's 2021 and people are still ashamed to say they have had botox/injectables/fillers? Lmao as if it's not literally commonplace at this point (at least in LA lol)

Exactly. Even the famous twenty somethings are getting this stuff done, it's predictable and common place at this point. It's more unusual and shocking to see a celebrity who HASN'T had anything done to their face.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Najoua Belyzel

It's just promo for her product, basic marketing strategy... I can't believe people are so naive 


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5 hours ago, Dulo Peep said:

Yes! There was something off with Gaga's eyebrows in ASIB, i remember some of the close ups and thinking she looked a little crazy! Like her forehead looked weird and then i realized it was the eyebrows! Super lifted and not naturally arched, no movement. Was that actually botox then?

Yep, i think shes doing for preventing wrinkles and her fibro but idk, its amazing How well she acted despite that.

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it‘s bizarre to me that „beauty from the inside out“ is always taken as the main argument for physical beauty by these hyper-touched up celebs.. of course being positive influences your appearance but stop connecting it with your face when you wear heavy make up and use hundred different creams and serums on the daily . that has nothing to do with a positive lifestyle. that‘s actually toxic obsessions . in my opinion ... 

fan-tas-tique, chic, freak, slaaaay
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