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Gaga deserves to rest during this era

Andrea B

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18 minutes ago, Andree said:

I'm kinda like that but sometimes I don't like the things she does and I criticise her:bear: BUT I just hate how a lot of fans are calling her lazy, it doesn't make sense 

Gaga could never sanely be called lazy and have that quote taken seriously, she is one of the most hard working musicians of all time, included up there with the classic Greats. Yeah, we aren't going to "love" everything she always does, but we still love her, through all of the bumps in the road.

I am usually indifferent with and about most things and people, but those, like Gaga who have made me get overly excited about them and even made me LOVE them, I always come back to, because I won't stop loving them, deep down, I'll just go away for a short stay, sometimes being loyal feels a fault, but we are all human, even our self confessed heroes, we just need to realize it and stop making things so personal, which aren't. lol. I guess, think about these things logically and cool out, step back. Gaga is ultimately about music and entertainment and she always delivers there.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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20 minutes ago, PunkTheFunk said:

Gaga deserves to be roasted this era

I know LG7 is gonna be her 'reputation' era and is gonna drag monsters and GGD on those songs :billie: (but i hope she promotes that shït, also why couldn't she rest in the Joanne era, it would've made more sense :reductive:)

13 | this is my dancefloor i fought for, your voice is louder, it echoes
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21 minutes ago, PunkTheFunk said:

Gaga deserves to be roasted this era


^^ this roast turned out amazing, I'm totally down for another

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Delulu Rogers

Does she deserve a rest? Yes. Is she having one? Not really. As you said, she has 2 movies coming up, she did enigma and haus labs last year etc. If she was truly taking a rest then i'm sure the fans would be fine, but that's not the case. She's still working hard and doing other projects but neglecting her album and that's what fans are annoyed about. 

Plus why would anyone take a break right after releasing an album and not after the era is over? Is she purposely trying to disappoint her fans? She should have taken a break from 2018-2019 instead of focusing on haus labs and enigma which nobody really wanted. 

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Gaga is the opposite of lazy.  After all she had done her entire career she deserves to have nothing but happiness in her life.  She always deserves.  Always.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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To say something on-topic: Considering we know she had planned a secret Coachella set and a summer tour, I can't imagine calling her "lazy". She wouldn't have had those sorts of things in the works in the first place if she was "lazy". Those kinds of things require an immense amount of planning from a large crew, rehearsals, sign-offs on designs, etc. -- she would have put a lot of time and effort into them, even though they sadly got derailed.

I do sympathize with those who in turn say, "Well, why didn't she adapt to the pandemic like (Performer) did" -- I don't know why she didn't. But I wouldn't call it laziness. I think it's understandable to be a bit disappointed or frustrated, but only a bit, and not really directed at her. More like shaking your fist at invisible bad luck or some other nebulous idea.

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This era was sold to us as a great movie through an amazing trailer and though we’re all waiting with our popcorn ready we’ve just been sitting through ads. :huntyga: Gaga’s not lazy, because we all know there is material there (B-sides, remixes, unreleased films, visuals) but for some reason no one is willing to actually start the movie. 

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1 hour ago, HausOfAntonio said:

We know her struggles with mental illness. We know how extreme they are. Judging her actions or lack thereof is disgusting, PERIOD. 

Thank you thank you thank you. As much as I would love to see her perform and promote, I do not want her to end up like Whitney Houston. 

Whitney is my second favorite artist after Gaga, and I can’t watch any of her performances without feeling like a knife’s stabbing me through the chest. What a tragic way to go for someone with such a rare gift. 

Whatever Gaga is doing, I want her to be be well. Actions have consequences, if she doesn’t promote, then she’ll have to accept the repercussions. But at the end of the day, I’d rather she take care of herself and live a long life.

I don’t know if anyone feels this way but the album Chromatica is a clear cry for help. Regardless of what she says, Fun Tonight, Plastic Doll, 1000 doves and Love Me Right are obviously directed at her fans. 


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She's been working her ass of for much longer than 6 years but I appreciate what you're saying and that you made this thread because she does deserve this rest. She saw that most people were in quarantine and took advantage of being able to have a year long break. When is she ever going to be able to take time off again? I can guarantee she was working even when we saw her in bed with those Oreos because Gaga is the type of person whose mind never rests, she's always thinking and planning something. 

I wonder what Gaga can come up with if given the time and space to create something with no pressure and no deadlines. She's never had this before and the next few years might be some of Gaga's best work for all we know. But one thing I can be sure of is that Gaga is NOT lazy. We shouldn't be putting Gaga's name in a sentence with that word. 

Go watch the Sound of Music tribute and remind yourselves how nobody saw that coming and think about how she worked for months on making that performance perfect. We never saw her do that, we only saw the finished product. We only ever see the finished product with everything she does and the reason it's always so perfect and at a high standard is because she works so hard. 

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She puts out an album, and then she sleeps for 1000 days. A concept.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒-𝚒-𝚒-𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...! (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I mean idc if she wants to promote or not. It's her choice. She's the one who'll earn more money if she cares about it not me. 🤷

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29 minutes ago, JK Rowling said:

Thank you thank you thank you. As much as I would love to see her perform and promote, I do not want her to end up like Whitney Houston. 

Whitney is my second favorite artist after Gaga, and I can’t watch any of her performances without feeling like a knife’s stabbing me through the chest. What a tragic way to go for someone with such a rare gift. 

Whatever Gaga is doing, I want her to be be well. Actions have consequences, if she doesn’t promote, then she’ll have to accept the repercussions. But at the end of the day, I’d rather she take care of herself and live a long life.

I don’t know if anyone feels this way but the album Chromatica is a clear cry for help. Regardless of what she says, Fun Tonight, Plastic Doll, 1000 doves and Love Me Right are obviously directed at her fans. 


Lmaoooo I’ve said this for ages, people who hate on Plastic Doll are bothered that its directed at them :ladyhaha:

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Andrea B
48 minutes ago, Delulu Rogers said:


 She should have taken a break from 2018-2019 instead of focusing on haus labs and enigma which nobody really wanted. 

you dont get to decide when she should to take a break, the audacity  lmaoooo. The GP wanted Enigma since it grossed so much



also you dont get to decide what we want or what the GP wants. 


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Andrea B
44 minutes ago, PEZ said:

To say something on-topic: Considering we know she had planned a secret Coachella set and a summer tour, I can't imagine calling her "lazy". She wouldn't have had those sorts of things in the works in the first place if she was "lazy". Those kinds of things require an immense amount of planning from a large crew, rehearsals, sign-offs on designs, etc. -- she would have put a lot of time and effort into them, even though they sadly got derailed.

I do sympathize with those who in turn say, "Well, why didn't she adapt to the pandemic like (Performer) did" -- I don't know why she didn't. But I wouldn't call it laziness. I think it's understandable to be a bit disappointed or frustrated, but only a bit, and not really directed at her. More like shaking your fist at invisible bad luck or some other nebulous idea.

same, I wonder why she hasn't done livestream performances but knowing her and how hard she works all the time, theres must be a reason for it, we just dont know it. I hope she addresses this issue 

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