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Gaga intro/outro that you can't bare?

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Intro: Government Hooker - not unbearable, I just find it unnecessary

Outro: Pokerface - too long :laughga:




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A Very Gaga Holida

Intro: the bells from The Queen :toofunny:

Outro: “fashion! na-fashion! fashion! na-fashiéééén!” :fail: like wtf is this, girl? 


Every other intro/outro is fine to me

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1 minute ago, KEVIN STEVE said:

Intro: the bells from The Queen :toofunny:

this :bear: i LOVE The Queen but that random 8bit intro followed by those bells are so random, like they have nothing to do with the sound overall

... and now i just sit in silence.
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A Very Gaga Holida
9 minutes ago, Clayton said:

Intro: Government Hooker - not unbearable, I just find it unnecessary

Outro: Pokerface - too long :laughga:



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16 minutes ago, KEVIN STEVE said:

Outro: “fashion! na-fashion! fashion! na-fashiéééén!”

Oh yeah this, I was gonna say there are none but... Yeah :green:

I also think Highway Unicorn would be better starting at the 15 second mark instead of with those in your face vocals

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i hate HURTL intro and i almost never listen to the song in full because of it (even though i actually love it)

also HBF intro 

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Intro: Fashion! (That piano sounds too david guetta for me)


  • Poker Face = too long
  • Alice (I feel like the song is just too repetitive after the 2 verses)
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A Very Gaga Holida
2 minutes ago, dynamite said:

Oh yeah this, I was gonna say there are none but... Yeah 

Exactly what I thought lmaoooo

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2 minutes ago, breakourstigmas said:

i hate HURTL intro and i almost never listen to the song in full because of it (even though i actually love it)

also HBF intro 

Oop I was like "wtf is HURTL" when I literally just said the same thing :laughga: the instrumental part at 15 seconds would be a better, less annoying intro

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21 minutes ago, pussycat said:

Stupid love intro hate it sm


13 | this is my dancefloor i fought for, your voice is louder, it echoes
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That loud and grotesque Stupid Love intro 

I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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