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Do you want Gaga to endorse Biden now


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Or are you fine with her just encouraging everyone to vote and sort of being silent about sides as of the moment

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I think she should just encourage everyone to vote and not influcence the voters choice. This is democracy

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I'm fine with her encouraging everyone to vote. It's clear it's to vote for Biden and not Trump, so I don't think she needs to potentially get herself into controversy being "hypocritical" with specifically endorsing touchy Joe

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Chlorine Sevigny

Oh I could have sworn she was urging everyone to vote for Trump. Maybe she should clarify. 

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We all know how she feels about Trump, I don’t think it’s necessary for her to endorse a candidate. And she is probably skeptical of publicity doing that since Biden has had some sexual misconduct allegations. Encouraging people to vote is good enough. 

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No, not necessary. I doubt anything has changed since 2016. 

I also noticed that she was speaking on behalf of herself not her performance identity.

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Gaga has made it VERY clear who she supports...she encourages people to wear masks, supports BLM, and publicly denounced Trump in the past

She is just reminding her large number of followers to please vote because their votes count more than ever in THIS election and we need change 

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I'm fine with it. In doing so she has inspired me to vote for Trump so it's all good :heart: He has done so much to I mean for the gay community :heart:

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Jose P

It’s very obvious who she supports, she doesn’t have to get into a potential mess by specifically endorsing Biden. She denounced Trump on her BLM just a few months ago, everyone knows where she leans politically.

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Guillaume Hamon

Wasn't sanders the only dem candidate she followed on Twitter during the primary? She probably would vote Biden mainly to avoid Trump if it was indeed the case no?

That plus the accusations discussed above and the overall fishiness of Biden towards minorities before in his career...

I don't think a partially motivated support from her would help. Heck I'm not even sure a superstar support helps when you face a dude pretending to "fight the elite". May be counter-productive at the end...

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I think she's getting it right. Simply urging people to vote is non-controversial and gives the crazies nothing to feed off. Trump is thrashing around on the end of a rope at the moment. Best thing now is just to stand back and let him at it and ultimately, hopefully, leave him twisting in the wind.

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Honestly her endorsement won't change the outcome at this juncture, in the future I would like to see her endorse more left-wing candidates a la Ilhan Omar and AOC if they decide to run.

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