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Billie Eillish having to defend herself against body shamers...


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8 hours ago, xoxo Craig said:

I said what I said. Its not healthy to be overweight

We get it Craig, you’re working out but now please let these women alone :eww:

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It's just so ****ing CRAZY to me how this thread is 8 pages long just because of two people refusing to understand the simple premise of MINDING YOUR BUSINESS.

Do you guys notice how basically 90% of controversial GGD threads - and world problems - would not exist if only people simply didn't give a **** about what other people do with their private lives and just minded their business? 

chaeri pls
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Just now, littlepotter said:

It's just so ****ing CRAZY to me how this thread is 8 pages long just because of two people refusing to understand the simple premise of MINDING YOUR BUSINESS.

Do you guys notice how basically 90% of controversial GGD threads - and world problems - would not exist if only people simply didn't give a **** about what other people do with their private lives and just minded their business? 

I agree this is alarming especially on a Lady Gaga “fan” site. 

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Babba the Hutt

I had no idea about any of this... Just some minutes ago, I saw an offensive edit of that photo somewhere else.

Why people feel the need to attack others like this, I'll never understand. Nobody has the right to put you down. Some people like to say she's overweight but, if anything, she has a pretty normal body shape... and even if she didn't, it's not our business.

Her body, her rules.

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9 hours ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don’t agree with body shaming, but I do think we've become too soft about talking about weight. When I saw that picture, I didn't actually recognise her and it took me a minute to realise it was her. Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

As usual I think there's a healthy middle and people also gotta go to extremes and be so black and white about things


On the one hand society and the media especially entertainment sends too much of a demanding message of what "beautiful" and attractive is supposed to be. It puts pressure on people especially women to be a certain way and feel like crap if they don't. And some people from that influence also outright body shame and bully people out of it and such behaviour shouldn't be accepted


Then u have the other extreme where a growing group of people in society make it sound like ur good no matter what and there's nothing wrong with being over overweight etc to the point where it's almost glorified... That's not a healthy balance either. We should be able to promote healthy living and be able to talk about it without ppl automatically associating it with body shaming. And of course here in talking about genuinely unhealthy diets that lead to obesity and stuff like that. I'm not talking about your next door neighbor that eats perfectly healthy and exercises but has a few extra pounds because it's just their genetics.


But overlapping back again with my first point, even when the intention is not to body shame but just to have a discussion about healthy living, it still has to be done tactfully as the extreme demanding standards set by society can easily make a good conversation meant to do good still feel like pressure and give people anxiety



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People are always so bothered by Billie, it starts to remind me of how everyone bullied Britney Spears, when she was a young girl, they never stopped and look at where we are these days with Britney. Are they really going to do the same with Billie Eillish. What is it with young teenage girls that they go over the top about this? Billie has even given them a great answer and has stood by it, yet they keep on. I always see this press for her or that she will just be a passing fad. I think she is great. For people to focus on such unimportant issues with her, she must really have perked their interest and they don't want to see her keep doing so good.

It is also gross when we realize that she is only eighteen and has the world suggestively picking apart her body. Let the kids be. Help prop up the kids by giving them a good self esteem. She has even publicly said that she is sensitive and this is what the world gives her?

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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I just came for the comments

Tea Popcorn GIF

OT: Billie is beautiful and a vegan kween :huntyga:

discord.gg/hausofmayhem 1 Year and 1000+ Members!
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Franch Toast

I'll repeat: other people's bodies aren't your business. PeriodT. :triggered: 

So many of people's claims to be "concerned" about people's bodies are really just excuses to criticize someone. People who are overweight know they're overweight. People who are thin know they're thin. People who are tall know they're tall. People who are missing a leg know they're missing a leg. They don't need strangers weighing in with commentary. 

And again, it's not on Billie to ignore these comments; it's on the body-shamers to mind their own business. 

As LG herself said:


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Pretty sure "skinny" people can be unhealthy. Gaining some weight isn't the definition of "unhealthy." I don't know anything about Billie but she looks like a person with a body.... so yeah

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I have been overweight most of my life, and my weight has fluctuated a lot. I have been both anorexic and bulimic at different points in my life. Even at my skinniest, there were still people who called me fat.

I don't give a **** what you think about obesity or what constitutes a healthy weight. Unless you're a doctor, other people's weight is none of your damn business.

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Personally, as awful as this sounds, I just think her bust makes her seem overweight. Ok she may be a tiny tiny bit on the heavier side, but if she had a smaller bust people wouldn’t be saying that she’s overweight. She’s quite short too, which doesn’t help. My sister has the same issue - if it weren’t for her bust she’d be a US size 4, but is like an 8, and she just naturally looks bigger because of it. I have a small bust myself, and I’m a 00 to 0 depending, but then again I have a bmi of like 17-18. 
Y’all just mad that she’s got a better chest than you :cryga:

also are people forgetting that hormones are still levelling at 18? Her weight is bound to fluctuate anyway, being a human being, never mind with a young one with hormones thrown into mix. 
I don’t mean any of this in a judge-y way, I’m just stating facts here.

Only say someone’s overweight if you know their weight and have also seen a bmi chart 


For all you know, she could be underweight and just look like she isn’t :billie:

People are ridiculous smh. I don’t even like her, but I’m not childish enough to take digs at an 18 year old.

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I think she looks fine. First they say she looks like a boy and now they say she is fat?

I wonder why women and gays get body shamed and straight mens not?

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Who wears brown herringbone socks with gray slides.  :duck:

The shorts are really not an attractive style. The fit is horrible. :music:

A victim of an unfortunate ensemble and bad motion timing. :air:

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That’s not what I imagined she would look like under all those clothes and make-up, etc. Also, her clothing choices aren’t helping her out here.

Having said that, she’s not unhealthy looking or obese. She’s a little curvy, so what? 


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