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6ix9ine will not quit using the N-word


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I will never understand the obsession of people who are not black wanting/justifying their use of saying the n word. It’s not rocket science don’t say it

💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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8 minutes ago, codymonster said:

That’s a very unique situation tho. I’m talking about actually using the word when you aren’t black. That is easy; don’t say it.


The point is; if professors are now being punished for saying innocuous words which merely sound like the n-word, the issue is far more complicated then you are suggesting it is.

I agree with you that colloquially white folks shouldn't use the n-word, but when it comes to art and academia, simplifying it to the level you did isn't quite right.

You're welcome to disagree though. :)






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Battle 4 Ur Life

I can’t believe I even have to say it but the only 6x9ine I know is the good old 54.

also the only relevant one.

“Stupid Love aged like Macallan tho”
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It's common for many Hispanics like him to say it. It's very popular in their gang culture as well. Even some black people don't mind them saying it, especially if they grew up around black people and had a similar culture. I have no doubt that he and others like him were also profiled for being Hispanic, so there's shared problems there. But I personally still don't think it's right. It's a word aimed at black people, it always was. It's no one else's word to use but theirs. It amazes me anyone else would think it sounded remotely ok to hear their mouth saying it. I'm still shook by the fact J-Lo said it in her I'm Real song. To think a black man actually wrote that knowing a non-black woman was going to say it still baffles me.

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1 hour ago, itsajmaclean said:

He isn’t black so shouldn’t use it. 

I get no one should use it but black people use it to reclaim it, like we (gay people) do with ******* or gay boy. Would you support someone like Charlie Puth or Shawn Mendes if they came out and were like “hey *******S my new single is out, make sure yall ***gies stream!” You wouldn’t would you?


1 hour ago, KanyeWest said:

What u say is logical but I think they took power back into that slur and reinvented it. There's an interview with Tupac where he explains that when they say it, it means more like some kind of brotherhood, when a caucasian says it, it most always implies the lynching, slavery history etc..

I don't see reclaiming it honestly. In most songs it's still used in a derogatory manner. It's commonly used to refer to people as dumb or idiots in hip hop music. Not as a word of unity or anything positive. 

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Gracious Gaga

I know a lot of non-black POC cultures such as Latino, Hispanic or Spanish speaking cultures and they use that word all the time 

That being said, I don’t really like the word, it makes me uncomfortable when anyone says it, due to the roots of the word.  same with terms like f**- i am gay and I hate that word.  I think derogatory terms like such should all be left behind.


I’m white, I don’t use the n word I never will so that’s all I really gotta say 

♥ Kindness Police.
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2 hours ago, Economy said:

It's highly offensive to people given the history so hence the discussion


But what I don't get tho is why use it at all then even if ur black. Why keep it alive and promote it in music for example everyone hears or use it casually among friends in a circle which may include white people then get pressed it still gets used?


If something is a slur then no one should use it tbh

Agree, just like with gays using the F word on each other...

Just let the words die

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2 hours ago, Zeth said:

I'm not at all defending him, but oh my god, I am so sick of hearing even the discussion surrounding this word. For some reason, people are obsessed with it, who can say it, who can't, whether or not it should be in songs, etc. The constant attempts to shame/cancel people over it for Twitter likes when everybody knows many young, non-black individuals are still using it behind closed doors is just tiring.



im black and its a stupid word anyways 

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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The word shouldn't be used by anyone, ever. Don't @ me about "taking back the power" of the word.

As a member of the LGBT community, no one calls each other *******s. Could you imagine saying "hey ***, what's up?" or "what's going on my *******s?" to your friends? Or anyone who is also LGBT?

Yes, there are some who do but that doesn't mean it's accepted or common. You don't see it being used in music, writing, or other forms of the culture.

I cringe when I hear the word because it brings back memories of all the taunting, bullying, and abuse my friends and I have dealt with for being different. I would never want it in my vocabulary, or anyone else's.

With BLM drawing attention to societal change, they need to recognize that this needs to change in the black community.

Edit: The word is sensored, but it's the word that rhymes with maggot.

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4 hours ago, itsajmaclean said:

He isn’t black so shouldn’t use it. 

I get no one should use it but black people use it to reclaim it, like we (gay people) do with ******* or gay boy. Would you support someone like Charlie Puth or Shawn Mendes if they came out and were like “hey *******S my new single is out, make sure yall ***gies stream!” You wouldn’t would you?

I’m sorry but as a gay man, if someone calls me *******, they are getting knocked out. I don’t do that hypocritical “reclaiming” bullshit, and neither should anyone. 

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3 hours ago, HoneyB said:

I will never understand the obsession of people who are not black wanting/justifying their use of saying the n word. It’s not rocket science don’t say it

I second this too!

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