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Tricon Not A Replacement of Vanguard


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Lord Temptation
56 minutes ago, paradox said:

What's TRICON?

Triple icon: music, film and philanthropy.

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Lord Temptation

Also, I think MTV is retiring the Vanguard so that it doesn’t start becoming irrelevant where they end up awarding obscure artists (who may  make excellent videos but are not otherwise successful) based solely on their music videos. By broadening the criteria to include film and philanthropy as well as music videos, they narrow the cohort of the prize, keeping it’s prestige and relevance. Hence, it won’t be a predictable “yet another” type award but a truly once-in-a-generation extra-ordinay kind of prize. 

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Regina George

I think the only reason she didn’t get it this year is so she can get it other year. That’s why she got this award now and probably passed on Vanguard because she wants to make a bigger medley of all of her hits in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, Curunir said:


Ok but how do people not get this? The TRICON award is given to someone who is 1 - a singer, 2 - an actor/actress and 3 - a philanthropist. The philanthropist part can be given to pretty much anyone who's been donating I guess

But calling Katy or Taylor or Christina actresses... :ladyhaha:

I think the three disciplines can change. The article said "the Tricon Award, a brand-new honor that spotlights an artist who excels in areas beyond music." They said Gagas three are,  "her talents as a global music superstar, award-winning actor and undisputed fashion icon."

I think of this as an award for recognizing a musicians' icon status outside of MTVs scope. The Video Vanguard is Music Televisions way of recognizing an artists contributions to the craft and the culture. It has evolved into a lifetime achievement type award but that sentiment can and has been changing. Especially since they're running out of people truly worthy of it (if at all) cuz they give it away so damn frequently. 

I don't think a previous Vanguard might exclude you from a Tricon but not vice versa, for now anyway.

"She's an intellectual, your honor"
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1 hour ago, KNJ said:

They said Gagas three are,  "her talents as a global music superstar, award-winning actor and undisputed fashion icon."

Well in the video before her acceptance speech they highlighted the three aspects that I mentioned - singing, acting, philanthropy. They only mentioned the fashion alongside the music and music videos. Which leads me to believe that those are the three main criteria for someone to get this particular award.

Then again, it's MTV, they could change it in the future and/or invent a new award as they very often do.

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I assumed that Tricon was created because she's a triple threat : music, film, and television.

Especially considering that they made a point to highlight her accomplishments in each of those fields, not just the relevant-to-MTV moments (music)

Edit nvm I see everyone has already drawn similar conclusions :bear:

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We love a queen who received the first ever inaugural Trisexual award :firega:

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2 hours ago, Aarghya said:



Once again, I’m not saying it’s the same thing. It just replaced it for all intents and purposes in the ceremony. Hello

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2 hours ago, joannesrats said:

I think that it should be called the "Lady Gaga TRICON Award" 

It will with time prob.

Anyway, I didn't like Bella handling it to her cuz like.. why not some legend friend of Gaga or a relative? There was no tribute and she didn't sing her hits.

They created it bc it was lame to give out a Vanguard this year 

another shot before we kiss the other side
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jacs vs looser

I'll be really disappointed if it's actually a replacement, since Vanguard performances are usually midleys that comprise *many* of the GH of the artists' career and we just got 3 Chromatica songs.

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I think they didn't want to award it because they want to give Gaga the vanguard when it was a regular show again. But they didn't want to hurt relations with her and the team so they came up with this new award to give her this year and then when things are normal again she'll probably get the vanguard. That's my guess.

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inb4 Gaga's tricon award is the only one they'd ever give and MTV continues giving the vanguard award the following years rendering it meaningless :billie:


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