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3. Tokyo Love Hotel


Average score8.97

Lowest score: 5 - @erotic4

Highest score: 11 - @roy, @Lona Delery, @Sestri Levante, @Garden Panty



Cute song. It reminds me of 'Cherry' in a way. It may be why she didn't put it on the tracklist, 'cause fans already seem to love it.

Again, being a Japanese-British woman, she sings about missing the country where she was born. It's that special connection with a place that brings joy and good memories.

Japan is that "must visit" country, filled with bright colors and technology. She sings an analogy of the country being a hotel, and while some people just use it for the sake of it or for the stereotype of it, she knows her love for Japan is deep and with layers ("They don't know you like I do, no they don't").

Personally I think there's nothing wrong with visiting a country that's known for something specifically, but by putting a passion behind it in the song makes it ring with a nice, nostalgic feeling. (given score: 8)

@Sestri Levante This one has been my 11 for a while and has remained unchanged. I love the smooth guitars and how it mixes her EP style with her more recent style :messga:  (given score: 11)

Ew, David!
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The reveal of #3 being Tokyo Love Hotel only leaves XS and Who's Gonna Save You Now? for Top 2 :diane: . Both songs achieved an average score above or equal to 9, the only ones in this megarate :legend: . Brace yourselves for the reveal of both #2 and #1 and celebrate the greatness that is SAWAYAMA :tony: 

Ew, David!
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4 minutes ago, TheSlash said:

3. Tokyo Love Hotel


Average score8.97

Should have gone earlier :legend:

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audrey horne
14 minutes ago, JINNOCIDE said:

I didn't know how megarates/cerimonies actually worked so I sent a whole ass text about every song and now I'm shook that's being used in every track description :messga:

I hope the sad and the lmaos are about the song's placements, not my comments tho :selena:

You missed a lot on the meaning and subtexts of many songs actually. Props for writing tho

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17 minutes ago, JINNOCIDE said:

I didn't know how megarates/cerimonies actually worked so I sent a whole ass text about every song and now I'm shook that's being used in every track description :messga:

I hope the sad and the lmaos are about the song's placements, not my comments tho :selena:

acabei de ver que é do Brasil :vegas: amei os comentários 

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2. Who's Gonna Save U Now?


Average score: 9.21

Lowest score: 7.6 - @adterp

Highest score: 11 - @memomemome, @erotic4



One of my favorites. Some people argue that the "live aspect" kinda ruins it for them but for me it's what actually makes it work.

We all have that person in our lives who is constantly being "saved" from trouble, so much that they can't solve problems themselves, but actually being rude about it. Like it's not their fault that they got into it in first place. Now that the helper is gone, there's no one to save that person, and it can be frustrating watching someone act like a prick about it. Sometimes the best thing to do it's just leave and watch it burn from a far distance.

Her high note here is amazing. (given score: 10)

Ew, David!
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Average score: 9.48

Lowest score: 6.5 - @roy

Highest score: 11 - @snksq, @GaGaLB, @DavidLuis198



I was so hoping that this song would make her entrance into the US market :nooo: it gives 2000 pop hits vibe with the guitar breaking in some intervals of the song. Amazing. It gives you nostalgia and a modern touch. It's truly one of the album gems. At first listen you may think she's talking about being pretentious and wanting money but with further inspection you actually get to see it's a criticism to modern consumerism. How we want things FAST and ALL THE TIME.

The MV shows it clearly mocking these selling programs and showing that the true behind something sometimes it's ugly as hell, they just put a beauty filter. (given score: 10)

@Sestri Levante : I swear I'm not trolling, these three songs are absolutely mind blowing. I love the nu metal influence and how quick they shift from that to 90s pop :nooo:  (given score: 10)

Ew, David!
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And that, my girls and gheys, was the megarate to the beautiful and magnificent album SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama :heart: . I hope y'all enjoyed the ceremony as much as I did ( despite all of its messiness regarding the ranking :awkney: ) and I hope I see you to another megarate of mine in the future :kara: .

When all this time, Heaven was in our eyes
So, say goodnight, forget about it 'til the end of time

 - Rina Sawayama, XS


Have all a great day/evening/night :sara: 

Ew, David!
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1 minute ago, TheSlash said:

And that, my girls and gheys, was the megarate to the beautiful and magnificent album SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama :heart: . I hope y'all enjoyed the ceremony as much as I did ( despite all of its messiness regarding the ranking :awkney: ) and I hope I see you to another megarate of mine in the future :kara: .

When all this time, Heaven was in our eyes
So, say goodnight, forget about it 'til the end of time

 - Rina Sawayama, XS


Have all a great day/evening/night :sara: 

Thank you for hosting :heart:

Free my mind, ARTPOP
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