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Folklore deserves the acclaim and success


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I want to preface this by saying I was not a fam of Taylor before folklore. I’m still not, but getting there given my impression of this album. That being said...

I seriously don’t understand the obsession with another pop girl’s success here, especially when they happen to do better than gaga in leaps and bounds. This has once again resurfaced with the release of Folklore. Seriously, Gaga’s success and Taylor’s success’ are nonmutually exclusive. Why must one flop in order for the other to succeed? Have we become that desperate?


also, sure it may not be your cup or tea, it may even bore you, and you are entitled to that. BUT the reality is everyone loves it, it’s killed the critics (and before you say anything about how unfair the critics are, she never had anything above a 79 before this album), and has debuted with astronomical numbers. The overwhelming evidence points to an objectively excellent album that has surprised everyone. To discredit it for that would be hypocritical esp how you all are saying how gaga is back with the GP using the same variables (streams and critical acclaim). The reviews and numbers are in, it is a success.


(on another note, just because you can’t pop your pus*y to the song doesn’t make it boring. Apart from her best lyrics, the instrumentals are so clean, purposeful, and unique.)


EDIT: stream Folklore and Chromatica on AM and Spotify


Magic Drowning GIF by Taylor Swift

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There are better artist who make similiar music from years but never are commercial successful :reductive:

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To be honest, I've only really seen a couple people on here state their opinions on the album. 

I haven't really seen much actual hatred towards it. 

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10 minutes ago, alicefromabove said:

Who said otherwise?

This cult-site is riddled with haters

9 minutes ago, 776673564747836765 said:

There are better artist who make similiar music from years but never are commercial successful :reductive:

Totally irrelevant to the OP. You don’t have to sell a lot to have a good album. It is inductive evidence that points to a good album, but not proof of one.  Taylor just so happens to have a massive reach and fanbase which would account to the commercial success. Even then, this album has surpassed expectations.


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Wet Fire

I agree with you. But when it comes to criticism of art, universal acclaim is not always the ultimate standard of measuring quality. Oscar Wilde once said that the most impactful/influential art are the polarizing ones. Because those are the ones which influence a range of critical debate which helps the art palpably influence culture. However, there are opinions which disregard Wilde's claim and those other opinions are valid as well.

In the end, everything is subjective (apart from things like whether a rapist should be punished...). You may find this album deserving its success. Others may not.

Lately, GGD has become this mess where some monsters are wrongly criticizing art by other artists than Gaga. Then, other monsters jump onto wrongly criticize Gaga to counter the previous group of monsters. And this becomes a cycle.

And it's tiring. Anyway, I personally do not prefer Folklore. But that's only because I'm not into the style/genre of the album. And my liking has a lot to do with my preferences. But even then, I do consider this album to be a great body of work. I don't like the monotony and lack of melodious segments. But the lyrics are goddamn out of this world.

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One of the most irritating things on pop forums is fans trying to prove others how the music they like is ''objectively good''. 

Music is subjective by essence and you can't prove anything in regards to it because you only have your taste. The music can sell and be praised but this doesn't prove that it's good because these can happen with bad music as well.

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41 minutes ago, FfFfFfFF said:

One of the most irritating things on pop forums is fans trying to prove others how the music they like is ''objectively good''. 

Music is subjective by essence and you can't prove anything in regards to it because you only have your taste. The music can sell and be praised but this doesn't prove that it's good because these can happen with bad music as well.

Yes and no. There are commonalities among certain music that make them objectively good. The standards change for every genre ofc and there is nuance. But I think there can be objective truth found in music and art in general. If everything in art is subjective then you completely devaluate art.

also would like to clarify the difference between personally liking something and knowing something is quality. I don’t personally listen to country music, dare I say I dislike it, but there are certain albums where I can say it is a good album. Just by merit of the work, thought, and artistry put into it. I personally don’t like the album, but I can see why others can.


EDIT: you said can happen with bad music as well. If you can distinguish what bad music is you can do the same for good music. That why a standard has to exist otherwise it’s a free for all and those who actually try yet fail to be recognized.

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1 hour ago, GeeYewWhai said:

Yes and no. There are commonalities among certain music that make them objectively good.

For instance? try making a list and I will show you how songs that fit these traits are unenjoyable or could be called bad by some.

1 hour ago, GeeYewWhai said:

The standards change for every genre ofc and there is nuance. But I think there can be objective truth found in music and art in general. If everything in art is subjective then you completely devaluate art.

also would like to clarify the difference between personally liking something and knowing something is quality. I don’t personally listen to country music, dare I say I dislike it, but there are certain albums where I can say it is a good album. Just by merit of the work, thought, and artistry put into it. I personally don’t like the album, but I can see why others can.


EDIT: you said can happen with bad music as well. If you can distinguish what bad music is you can do the same for good music. That why a standard has to exist otherwise it’s a free for all and those who actually try yet fail to be recognized.

Music as opposed to science is subjective. There is no objectively good music because even this very wording is paradoxical and doesn't really make sense. On the reverse, there is no subjectively true science (notice how weird it sounds).

The same exact reasons why you enjoy and appreciate a piece of music could be the same exact reasons why others hate it.  There is no criteria or definition of a good song. There is no manual or instructions on how to write a song and succed because the process is inherentely subjective and variable. You might feel like you tick all the boxes (from, let's say chord progression to lyrics) and just fail in creating an enjoyable song.

The exact things you might enjoy in folklore could be used in proving that is in fact not good. One could argue it's very same-y, flat and singer-songwiter cliche. The fact that this critique can even be done shows that there is no objectively good music and that folklore is certainly not objectively good or above criticism. Which brings me to the second point, on pop forums many say that something (they personally and subjectively enjoy themselves) is objectively good just to put themselves and their opinion higher. It's a way of saying ''I love this and everybody else not loving it is wrong''.

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2 hours ago, alicefromabove said:

Who said otherwise?

Half the little monsters in the folklore metacritic score thread. :poot:

OT: folklore might be my favorite album of the summer. Who would have thought. :giveup:

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Critics opinions is not something I ever measure the quality of music or projects with personally, so to call it objectively amazing because of opinions is a lot tbh.

Folklore is a total yawn to me so...

I'll hand it to Tay though, she luckily knows how to surround herself with talented producers and those who specialise in movie-level visuals.

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Folklore sounds like a watered-down Lana album, if that makes sense. It is mystifying that other artists have done the exact thing Swift did with Folklore, but have garnered  zero acclaim. 

That being said, it is a good, solid record that does deserve recognition. Is the praise and acclaim proportional to the actual work? Probably not, but that’s what happens when you’re the world’s biggest pop star; you can fart into a mic and there’d still be thousands of fans claiming it to be the best release of the year lol


but anyway, go stream Hoax, the best song on the album :bear:

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