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Haven of the Rockers and Metalheads


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Ha, ha, I need that every day of the year. Money... it's what you need...

Yas.....one of my favorites by INXS..... :cool:

Edited by Miker
Mars..........or bust!
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Thought I'd join in on the Volbeat praise! Heard this song in my car just recently... and couldn't stop tapping my fingers on the wheel... and dreaming I was a warrior. It past my car test! :rockstar:

Rock up this Sunday morning!! :music:

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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volbeat :rockstar:

Yes! I want to see them! They're coming to my town in March. Bring it! Looks like a fun show. :cool:

"Any act, if in accordance with the will, is an act of magic." - Aleister Crowley
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I am enchanted with this song and it's been in my head for days. It's doesn't fall under the 'rock and metal' category... but it's my jam right now. Lol.

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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That video is so freakin' cool. :cool:

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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Cool song and I like the video too. Looks similar to what I was doing a few weeks ago - minus the Border Patrol. :cool: :P

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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I love Rage Against The Machine

My fave :rockstar::legend:

Me too! GREAT song for a favorite! :clap:

I am a total massive crazy and I mean CRAZY Serj and System Of A Down fan. have since I was 11, oh man. They got me into metal. SO much love

Badass! I've seen System of a Down and Serj in concert and they give a killer show! Love them! :rockstar:

Oh baby, baby... Van Halen! A song of legends that transcends all levels of awesome. :legend:

Edited by 4twistedshadows
"Any act, if in accordance with the will, is an act of magic." - Aleister Crowley
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A little sonically inspired right now...Sounds of The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon running through my dreams. Totally captivated by your sound, David Gilmour!


Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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